i was jsut wondering if my kind palms seeds need light to germinate4 or it its is possible to place them infront onmy furnace duct to keep them warm. also i was wondering if i could do this to my chisnese fan plam nd queen palm seeds
Light will not be neccesary for germination, Bottom heat will greatly speed things up. This can be as simple as using a baggie on top of your computer monitor. heating pads, or using heated germination chambers. There is a good article on general Palm Seed Germination here: http://flrec.ifas.ufl.edu/HORT/Palms/Palmproduction/Palm_seed_germination/palmseed.htm This link is to others germination experiences with various species: http://www.rarepalmseeds.com/archive.shtml Good Luck with them!
i was wondering if can can place the pot in a bag or baggie what ever i use infront of my furnace duct to make sure its warm
To the best of my knowledge, most Palms will not require light for initial germination, ( There may be some that do but I haven't run across any yet :-) The heating duct will probably work out OK, I would suggest using a thermometer in the medium just to make sure things are not getting too hot. ( The small/cheap aquarium ones work good for this)