
Discussion in 'VCBF Neighbourhood Blogs' started by Mayling Chang, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    First posting in 2008

    Willy and I were excited to find some different cherry trees blooming in Killarney, but we are not sure the names of clutivars, so please correct them for us. Thank you.
    What a beautiful weather and lucky day!

    A. Cherry Plum : trees are planted inside a private condo, so I could not capture the whole crown form, and flower part. However, the tree is strongly upright
    1. Location: E56th between Kerr and Rupert; five trees.
    2. Status: 90% open
    3. Date: Mar 24 2:30PM
    20080324_E56_Umineko_M&SU_131_3152.JPG , 20080324_E56_Umineko_M&SU_131_3148.JPG
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    B. Autumnalis Rosea: Only one among plums at the same location
    [edited by wcutler - I think this is the one that Ron meant is Prunus Blireiana]:

    C. Four of them but still no flowers at the same location
    20080324_E56_Accolade_M&SU_131_3150.JPG , 20080324_E56_Accolade_M&SU_131_3151.JPG

    D. Okame: Trees with a rounded crown and flowers in corymbs of 3
    1. Location: at #3087 Rosemont Dr. a private residence.
    2. Status: Just started blooming
    [edited by wcutler - is this the right location? These are Prunus pendula, maybe Beni Shidare]
    20080324_Rosemont_Okame_M&SU_131_3154.JPG , 20080324_Rosemont_Okame_M&SU_131_3155.JPG

    E. Pendula: Looks not the same as Okame, but I'm not sure
    1. Location: at #7541 Kerr Street, a private residence.
    2. Status: sparse in flowers and higher branch

    F. No-names- Blooming pink flowers with green leaves
    1. Location: E58 Avenue between Kerr St. and Rosemont Dr.
    2. Status: 90% blooming and five trees
    [edited by wcutler - these look more like the Okame]
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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2009
  2. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    If necessary we will go there to take another pictures for further identification.
    Willy & Mayling
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    The white one appears to be a cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera) rootstock that has likely replaced a grafted purpleleaf plum. In addition to this being a common use for cherry plum here you can also see that it grew up from below an original top by looking at the existing trunk and branches. The double pink one is also not a Japanese cherry but rather P. x blireiana, a purpleleaf plum cultivar.
  4. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    Re: Killarney/Champlain Heights

    Have added Champlain Heights in this thread because cherries posted are in both locations. Thank you. Willy and Mayling

    1. Autumnails Rosea:
    Location: #5788 Rupert
    Status: sparse in flowers because of fallen. double flowers and corymbs of five
    Date: Mar 27, 2008
    20080327_Rupert_Autumnalis Rosea_M&W.Su_131_3171.JPG 20080327_Rupert_Altumnalis Rosea_M&W.Su_131_3170.JPG 20080327_Rupert_Alutmnalis Rosea_M&W.Su_131_3169.JPG

    2. Prunus Pendula
    Location: E52 Avenue at#3070
    Status: half blooming
    20080327_E52_Pendula_M&W.Su_131_3174.JPG 20080327_E52_Pendula_M&W.Su_131_3175.JPG 20080327_E52_Pendula_M&W.Su_131_3177.JPG
    Location: at #6889 Kerr Street
    Status: 1/3 blooming
    20080327_Kerr_Pendula_M&W.Su_131_3187.JPG 20080327_Kerr_Pendula_M&W.Su_131_3188.JPG
  5. dt-van

    dt-van Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    Killarney - Plums 49th to 54th and Vivian to Doman

    Not many cherries yet,but lots of plums in full bloom.
    This photo of 6700 block Raleigh shows mainly the pale pink Prunus cerasifera Atropurpurea,
    but in the distance you can see a few dark pink P. c. Nigra mixed in.

    Attached Files:

  6. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    Shooting date: March 30, 2008

    Whitcomb: in the Champlain Heights Community Centre
    Location: #7760 Stikine Pl
    Status: Two of them, the color is not as purplish as normal ones. 80% Blooming, and start to fall

    20080330_Stikine_Whitcom_M&W.Su_132_3267.JPG 20080330_Stikine_Whitcom_M&W.Su_132_3274.jpg 20080330_Stikine_Whitcom_M&W.Su_132_3269.jpg

    Accolade: Near Champlain Cr.
    Location: #7055 Blake St.
    Status: 70% Blooming, and start to fall

    20080330_Blake_Accolade_M&W.Su_132_3277.jpg 20080330_Blake_Accolade_M&W.Su_132_3278.jpg 20080330_Blake_Accolade_M&W.Su_132_3280.jpg

    Another Accolade at #7255 Blake St., but the crown form looks different, quite an interesting one

    20080330_Blake_Accolade_M&W.Su_132_3282.jpg 20080330_Blake_Accolade_M&W.Su_132_3288.jpg 20080330_Blake_Accolade_M&W.Su_132_3283.jpg

    Location: #6709 Tyne St. near to 49Th Ave
    Status: 60% blooming, nice one

    20080330_Tyne_Pendula_M&W.Su_132_3292.JPG 20080330_Tyne_Pendula_M&W.Su_132_3294.JPG
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2008
  7. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    Have found Somei-Yoshinos start to bloom in many locations. Enjoy! Mayling & Willy

    Time: Apr 2nd, 2008, 10:00AM

    Location: Rosemont Dr. near to Kerr St. - 7 trees [edited by wcutler 20090724: these seem to be Akebonos - see posting #20]
    Status: budding, new planted for roadsides!


    Location: Langford Ave near the Champlain Community Centre - 11 trees
    Status: Blooming less than 5%, imagine the gardens in the near future!


    Location: Copeland near the Champlain Community Centre - 12 trees
    Status: Blooming less than 5%

    20080402_Copeland_Yoshino_M&W.Su_133_3353.JPG 20080402_Copeland_Yoshino_M&W.Su_133_3354.JPG 20080402_Copeland_Yoshino_M&W.Su_133_3356.JPG

    Location: Nairn Ave near the Champlain Community Centre - 5 trees
    Status: Blooming less than 5%


    Location: Rupert St. between 43rd and 41st Ave - 5 trees [edited by wcutler 20090724: these seem to be Akebonos - see posting #20]
    Status: Blooming less than 5%

    20080402_Rupert_Yoshino_M&W.Su_133_3361.JPG 20080402_Rupert_Yoshino_M&W.Su_133_3364.JPG

    Location: E56th Ave between Kerr and Rupert Street. [edited by wcutler 29900724: this seems to be Akebono - see posting #20.]
    20080402_E56_Yoshino_M&W.Su_133_3340.JPG 20080402_E56_Yoshino_M&W.Su_133_3342.JPG
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2009
  8. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    Mayling & Willy,

    Try to differentiate Somei-yoshino and Akebono. Thanks.
  9. dt-van

    dt-van Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    Somei-yoshino E. 56th and Kerr.

    It's hard to differentiate before the flowers are open. The trees in Mayling's photo on East 56th near Kerr (and our update below) are ungrafted, which suggests they are Somei-yoshino. Can you suggest other ways to differentiate them from Akebono?

    Attached Files:

  10. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    Walking in the neighbourhood, we were surprised to find cherry trees because the color of trees attracted our attention! We were caught in a shower, but we felt excited to know a new cultivar in this area. Mayling & Willy
    Report date: Apr 6th, 2008, 15:30PM

    1. Rancho Cherry - Please correct ID if we were wrong
    Location: Wessex Street between Kingsway and School Ave
    Status: 70% blooming of 9 trees

    20080406_Wessex_Rancho_M&W.SU_133_3369.JPG 20080406_Wessex_Rancho_M&W.SU_133_3371.JPG
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    2. Somei-Yoshino and Akebono
    Location: Doman st. between E46 & E47 Ave
    Status: less than 20% - three Yoshinos on the east side-walk, two Akebonos on the west side-walk.

    Somei-Yoshino's witches-broom is obvious.
    20080406_Doman_Yoshino_M&W.SU_133_3377.JPG 20080406_Doman_Yoshino_M&W.SU_133_3380.JPG 20080406_Doman_Yoshino_M&W.SU_133_3386.JPG
    I guessed it's Akebono because the trees are upward.

    3. Akebono
    Location: Killarney Community Centre
    Status: Less than 10%, three of Akebonos are on the way to the community centre
    We found an extra petal or staminode, and indirect roots

    20080406_Killarney_Akebono_M&W.SU_133_3394.JPG 20080406_Killarney_Akebono_M&W.SU_133_3395.JPG 20080406_Killarney_Akebono_M&W.SU_133_3399.JPG

    4. Akebono
    Location: Killarney Community Centre, in front of the main entrance
    Status: full blossom

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    5. Akebono
    Location: Harold St. between Marmion and School Ave
    Status: less than 10%, two new and small plants


    6. Akebono
    Location: Rupert street at #6180 roadside
    Status: Less than 20%, one tree only

    20080406_Rupert_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3407.JPG 20080406_Rupert_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3408.JPG 20080406_Rupert_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3409.JPG
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  11. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    You don't think #4 is Akebono? Whitcomb blossoms are pretty ratty looking when they get pale, and they're not that pale when they're opening, as some of those blossoms are. And isn't that a staminode in the upper left corner of the last of those four photos?
  12. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    Different cherry trees are found around the Killarney Park and Arena. Mayling & Willy

    Reported date: April 7, 2008

    1. Akebono:
    Location: Earles Street between 43rd & 44th Ave
    Status: less than 20% of three

    20080407_Earles_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3413.JPG 20080407_Earles_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3427.JPG 20080407_Earles_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3419.JPG

    2. Akebono:
    Location: Rhodes Street near to 43rd at #5772
    Status: less than 10% of one, a huge and healthy one, incomplete petal etc.

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    3. Akebono, but not sure because of flowers look different
    Location: E46th Ave at #2821
    Status: less than 10% of one,

    20080407_E46_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3428.JPG 20080407_E46_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3430.JPG 20080407_E46_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3431.JPG

    4. Akebono: well grown
    Location: Raleigh Street between 47 & 48th Ave
    Status: 90% blooming of two, sorry for this late reporting

    20080407_Raleigh_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3435.jpg 20080407_Raleigh_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3440.jpg 20080407_Raleigh_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3437.jpg

    5. Beni-Shidare: ID is unsure, please advise the correct ID, thanks [edited by wcutler 20090724: it's Yae-beni-shidare, because of the double blossoms. A lot of people seem to like this tree - see several later postings]
    Location: At the corner of Raleigh Street and Coleridge Street, 6375 Raleigh St.
    Status: budding, one in private residence

    20080407_Raleigh_Benishidare_M&W.SU_134_3442.jpg 20080407_Raleigh_Benishidare_M&W.SU_134_3443.jpg 20080407_Raleigh_Benishidare_M&W.SU_134_3444.jpg

    6. Akebono: Is this Wendy mentioned about a festival favourite on E48th?
    Location: E48th Ave between Raleigh & Killarney St.
    Status: 90% blooming of seven

    20080407_E48_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3445.jpg 20080407_E48_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3453.jpg 20080407_E48_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3454.jpg

    7. ID needs your help. The crown form is vase shaped, but flowers alike Akebonos, and trees planted with Akebonos.
    Location: E48th Ave between Raleigh & Killarney St.
    Status: 60% blooming of two
    [edited 2012feb28 by wcutler]'Spire'

    20080407_E48_ID_M&W.SU_134_3446.jpg 134_3447.jpg
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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2012
  13. eteinindia

    eteinindia Well-Known Member VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Tokyo, Japan but I still miss Vancouver
    Hi, Mayling. Wonderful photos! And well arranged!

    [7. ID needs your help. The crown form is vase shaped, but flowers alike Akebonos, and trees planted with Akebonos.

    I think this is Spire. It has a same shape as Rancho.
    Its Flowers always have 5 petals like Somei-Yoshino, but smaller.

    3. Akebono, but not sure because of flowers look different
    Location: E46th Ave at #2821
    Status: less than 10% of one,

    6. Akebono: Is this Wendy mentioned about a festival favourite on E48th?
    Location: E48th Ave between Raleigh & Killarney St.
    Status: 90% blooming of seven

    I think No3 & No6 aren't Akebono. And No6 is the same tree I found on W50th(near Marine Cresent) and reported in Kerrisdale Bloqs.
    No.3 looks the same tree, but I'm not sure.
    They have a bit smaller flowers than Somei-Yoshino.
    And we can't see as many flowers as Somei-Yoshino.
    Flowers of Somei-Yoshino covers the branches but Clusters of flowers of this tree are separate from each other, aren't they?
    I can't find this Cultivars in Douglas's Book!
    We have to ask him!!

    4. Akebono: well grown
    Location: Raleigh Street between 47 & 48th Ave
    Status: 90% blooming of two, sorry for this late reporting

    As far as I see your picture, I feel this might be Somei-Yoshino.
    I can't see any staminodes at all. I can see star shapes in the flowers.
    But I can't identify without seeing real tree.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2009
  14. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    Thank you Mariko!

    I guess you are right for the mentioned items because those flowers are opening before neighbouring Akebonos. It's is hard to spot staminode flowers when they grow high. Is Somei-yoshino with direct trunk? We were confused sometimes, but we hope not to confuse readers.
  15. dt-van

    dt-van Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    Killarney - Champlain Heights School Annex - late Akebono ?

    These 17 dainty flat-topped trees at the Champlain Heights School Annex (7835 Champlain Cr.) are finally 5% open. They look like Akebono cherries, but they're consistently 2 - 3 weeks later than Burrard station, and are one of our favourites.
    I apologize for the fuzzy closeup - the few open blossoms are high, but the sun wasn't.

    Attached Files:

  16. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    These are updated photos following a week from the Apr 2nd's postings. Most the ID are corrected because of notable extra staminodes of Akebonos. Mayling & Willy

    Reported time: April 9, 2008

    1. Location: E56th Ave between Kerr and Rupert Street
    Status: one is 80% blooming, two are 30%, one is budding

    20080409_E56_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3497.jpg 20080409_E56_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3498.jpg

    2. Location: Rosemont Dr. near to Kerr St. - 7 trees
    Status: three are 60%, while others are 30%

    20080409_Rosemont_Akebono_M&W.SU_134_3500.jpg 20080409_Rosemont_Akebono_M&W.SU_135_3503.jpg

    3. Location: Rupert St. between 43rd and 41st Ave - 5 trees
    Status: 50% blooming

    20080409_Rupert_Akebono_M&W.SU_135_3516.JPG 20080409_Rupert_Akebono_M&W.SU_135_3517.JPG
  17. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    These are updated photos of Okame on the E58th Avenue. On Mar 24th we didn't know how to capture distant flowers with regret, so, it's lucky not too late today.

    Reported date: Apr. 9th, 2008

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    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008
  18. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    These are update photos for Rancho Cherry following a few days ago. Apr 10,2008

    Location: Wessex St. between School Avenue and Kingsway
    Status: Full blossom

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    Last edited: Apr 15, 2008
  19. dt-van

    dt-van Active Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver, Canada
    Re: Killarney - Champlain Heights School Annex - late Akebono [peak]

    The Akebonos at Champlain Heights School Annex are at their peak bloom, and the sun even came out.

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  20. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    These are updated photos a week after Apr 6th's postings. It's awesome that they are at their peak bloom no mater what were 10% blooming a week ago. Apr 13,2008

    1. Doman Street between 46 and 47th Ave, all five are Akebonos

    20080413_Doman_Akebono_SU_136_3626.jpg 20080413_Doman_Akebono_SU_136_3627.jpg
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    2. Killarney Community Centre pathway


    3. Rupert St. At 6180

    20080413_Rupert_Akebono_SU_136_3624.jpg 20080413_Rupert_Akebono_SU_136_3625.jpg

    4. Harold St. between Marmion and School Ave

    20080413_Harold_Akebono_SU_136_3637.jpg 20080413_HArold_Akebono_SU_136_3641.jpg

    5. Rupert St. at 5788

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    Last edited: Apr 15, 2008
  21. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    Again, those are around the Killarney Park and Arena at their wonderful peak and updated ID.

    Reported date: April 13, 2008

    1. Akebono:
    Location: Earles Street between 43rd & 44th Ave

    20080413_Earles_Akebono_SU_135_3576.jpg 20080413_Earles_Akebono_SU_135_3577.jpg 20080413_Earles_Akebono_SU_135_3583.jpg

    2. Akebono:
    Location: Rhodes Street near to 43rd at #5772

    20080413_Rhodes_Akebono_SU_135_3580.jpg 20080413_Rhodes_Akebono_SU_135_3582.jpg

    3. Somei-Yoshino:
    Location: Raleigh Street between 47 & 48th Ave

    20080413_Raleigh_SomeiYoshino_SU_135_3596.jpg 20080413_Raleigh_SomeiYoshino_SU_135_3598.jpg 20080413_Raleigh_SomeiYoshino_SU_135_3597.jpg

    4. Yai-Beni-Shidare:
    Location: At the corner of Raleigh Street and Coleridge Street, 6375 Raleigh St.

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    5. Somei-Yoshino, begin to fall
    Location: E48th Ave between Raleigh & Killarney St.

    20080413_E48_SomeiYoshino_SU_136_3605.jpg 20080413_E48_SomeiYoshino_SU_136_3611.jpg 20080413_E48_SomeiYoshino_SU_136_3606.jpg

    6. Spire
    Location: E48th Ave between Raleigh & Killarney St.

    20080413_E48_Spire_SU_136_3610.jpg 20080413_E48_Spire_SU_136_3608.jpg 20080413_E48_Spire_SU_136_3609.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2008
  22. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    We just could not ignore those beautiful Akebonos around the Champlain Height, even though around 20% blooming in the last week. Apr 14,2008

    1. Location: Rosemont Dr. near to Kerr St. - 7 trees

    20080414_Rosemont_Akebono_SU_136_3687.jpg 20080414_Rosemont_Akebono_SU_136_3688.jpg

    2. Location: Langford Ave near the Champlain Community Centre - 11 trees

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    3. Location: Copeland near the Champlain Community Centre - 12 trees


    4. Location: Nairn Ave near the Champlain Community Centre - 5 trees


    5. Location: Rupert St. between 43rd and 41st Ave - 5 trees

    20080413_Rupert_Akebono_SU_135_3573.jpg 20080413_Rupert_Akebono_SU_135_3574.jpg

    6. Location: E56th Ave between Kerr and Rupert Street - 5trees.

    Last edited: Apr 15, 2008
  23. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

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    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    It's us again. This time is not for current ones, but we found two cultivars begin to bud with a few flowers. Need your help to advise the ID. Thank you. Mayling & Willy

    Reported date: April 14, 2008

    1. Location: E46 Ave between Killarney and Vivian St.
    Status: 15 trees are budding

    20080413_E46_Sirotae_SU_135_3584.jpg 20080413_E46_Sirotae_SU_135_3585.jpg 20080413_E46_Sirotae_SU_135_3587.jpg
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    2. Location: E46 AVE at #2745
    Status: 50% blooming

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    Glad to find these two which keep us busy.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2008
  24. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Mayling and Willy, you guys have been busy! Such great postings. The Killarney and Vivian trees are Takasago. The E 46th single flowers look like Tai-Haku (the name means "big white"). Very large flowers? Quite white, bronze leaves.
  25. Mayling Chang

    Mayling Chang Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada
    Reported time: April 16, 2008

    Rancho Cherry
    Location: Killarney Park
    Status: 100% blooming

    20080413_Killarney_Rancho_SU_136_3621.jpg 20080413_Killarney_Rancho_SU_136_3618.jpg 20080413_Killarney_Rancho_SU_136_3617.jpg

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