Trout Lake - Victoria Dr. and East 16th A fine group of 3 large trees (Akebono?) on Victoria Dr. facing Trout Lake Park.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage It's only One, but the Big White, Tai Haku, dominates its corner and its house at Fleming and E. 39. April 19, 2009.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage A Shirotae in bloom at the east side of the school annex in Grey's Park - at about 32nd and Windsor: An emerging, very young Kanzan (as opposed to the very old Kanzans in the neighbourhood, which have not emerged yet), at the southeast corner of 30th & Windsor (the block with the young Akebonos): And my neighbour's espaliated Avium, behind the house at 996 Ringwood (@ Windsor): Laura 3:)
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Two Ukons in bloom April 23, 2009 on the north side of Kensington Community Centre, Dumfries and E. 35.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Three Shirotae in bloom April 23, 2009 on the east side of Kensington Community Centre, main entrance at Dumfries and E. 35. Very fragrant!
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Although this grove of trees on the north side of E. 10, east of Lakewood, in the yard of Laura Secord Elementary, has finished blooming on April 23, 2009, there are enough blossoms left to tentatively identify them as Umineko.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage In Brewer's Park, Victoria Drive and E. 26 on April 24, 2009: Tai Haku in full bloom; Ukons just opening, Kanzans and Shirofugen still in bud.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Walking south on St. Catherine's Street from Kingsway to 29th Ave., I was treated to the following: Kanzans, just beginning to bloom, from 22nd to 23rd: A huge Avium at 23rd: Older Kanzans, from 27th to 28th: Another huge Avium, at 28th: Laura 3:)
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage One of many beautiful Kanzan-scapes - looking North from 32nd & Dumfries: And this block, which may be my favourite for this neighbourhood, discovered by Anne Eng last year, 29th Ave. just East of Knight Street, with Kanzans on one side of the street and Ukons on the other: Laura 3:)
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage This Shirotae and the (dead) cherry next to it have been removed. Nothing but two big sand circles on April 29, 2009.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Cherries at Trout Lake, E. 15 and Victoria Drive, on May 1, 2009. Kanzan, Shirofugen and Avium.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage In bloom May 3, 2009 at Brewer's Park, Victoria and E. 26: Kanzans, Shirofugens and Ukons.
Shirofugen - Kensington-Cedar Cottage, Victoria & E 26th in Brewers Park So nice to see such a beautiful cultivar in full bloom just as most of the others are coming to an end. There are three Shirofugens at the edge of this park.
Re: Shirofugen - Kensington-Cedar Cottage, Victoria & E 26th, in Brewers Park Here's the map for the festival favourite Prunus Sato-zakura Group 'Shiro-fugen'.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage This Shirofugen at the southeast corner of Windsor and E. 31 has a monster right arm that's more than twice the length of its trunk. Reaching out to grab cars in the late afternoon sun on May 8, 2009.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Kanzans run for two blocks north of 33rd on Commercial. These photos are looking up and down from 32nd. The next block over, on Beatrice, there are two nice Shirofugens in front of the Church on 32nd, and Kanzans again running for (at least) two blocks north of 33rd. Again, looking north and south from 32nd.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage First posting 2010 Two Accolades starting their bloom on February 5, 2010, in front of apartment building on the north side of East Broadway, just east of Clark/Knight.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Good-looking Accolade at full bloom in its private yard on the west side of Nanaimo, north of Kingsway, February 21, 2010.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage The Pandora in the churchyard at the southeast corner of Victoria Drive and E 23 Avenue is in bloom on February 25, 2010, more than a month earlier than last year (April 8, 2009).
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Yoshino in bloom NW corner E. 12 Avenue and Woodland (l block east of Knight) March 4, 2010.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Not 'Akebono'? The third photo seems to show staminodes in a blossom at the bottom right, and there's what looks like a clear one in the last photo.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Yes, it is an Akebono in bloom on the north side of E. 12, halfway between Clark Drive (Knight changes name at this point) and Woodland. Two days after the previous posting, fallen blossoms show the extra petals.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Healthy Pendula Rosea in bloom on SW corner Vanness Avenue and Nanaimo Street March 4, 2010.