Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Bud scales and leaves slightly sticky to the touch; spreading branches and rounded crown rather than upright; reddish brown leaves.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Young Kiku-shidare (weeping chrysanthemum-flowered cherry) in full bloom on east side of Somerville Street, south of 35, April 25, 2008.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Sargent cherries often have upright branches and reddish young leaves, such as those being called 'Rancho' on these forums.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Tai Haku in bloom in park at the end of Beatrice St., north of Kingsway on April 27, 2008. On the other side of the fence are 2 Ukons, as per next post.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage A pair of Ukons in bloom in park at the end of Beatrice St., north of Kingsway, April 27/08.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Brewster Park's Cherry Sanctuary. Ukons, Kanzans and Tai Haku are blooming now on April 28, 2008, by the park's tennis courts (west side of the park at Beatrice Street, off Kingsway). Earlier, Somei Yoshinos were in bloom on the park's eastern boundary at Victoria Drive and E 26.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Kanzans with own trunks. The bark on these three Kanzans on the east side of St. Catherines St., between 35-37 Avenue, looks a bit like that of the Serrula on King Edward and Valley Drive. Shiny, smooth and mottled, they do not look like grafted trunks, and the branches are sturdy and upright-spreading, just like the book says.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage A beautiful Tai Haku finishes its blooming on the corner of Fleming Street at 39 Ave. on April 28, 2008.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Another Kanzan with own trunk on north side of E 33, between Elgin and Ross, starting to bloom on April 28, 2008. It looks to be an older tree than the ones on St. Catherines.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Here is a comparison of the bark from three trees, the Serrula on King Edward, the Kanzan on St. Catherines, and the Kanzan on E. 33.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage My Morrello cherry is in full bloom at the mo. It got hacked back a fair bit last year to save my, and my neighbours fishponds. He is a bit of a Koi man and got seriously fed up with fishing successive blossom, mini cherries, fruited cherries and then leaves out of his pond. My Hubbie wasn't too keen either! LOL!
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Kiku-Shidare blooming as Shirotae finishing on Lakewood Street at 19 Ave., southeast corner, April 29, 2008. [edited 2011oct8 by wcutler]: Anne reported in posting 193 that the 'Shirotae' has been removed [Edited by wcutler May 4, 2020]: Anne reports that the 'Kiku-shidare-zakura' is also gone now.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage The Red and the Green: E 29 Avenue, east of Knight St., 7 Ukons on south side facing 5 Kanzans on the north. Both blooming April 29, 2008.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage There are Kanzans lining Fraser Street south of 15th Ave, crossing Kingsway, and they keep on going for quite a few blocks. There are more on 14th Ave., East of Fraser. I see all of these from the bus on my ride to work. Near my house, there are more lining St. Catherine's from 27th to 28th (I think), and 29th Ave. around Ross or Elgin. I'll have to start remembering to take my camera with me. Laura 3:)
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Amanogawa goes where no cherry dares to go: in between buildings as seen off the back lane of E. 11, east of Commercial Drive, May 2, 2008.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Amanogawas, shorter and fatter, from better diet in the parking lot of medical building, 1750 E. 10, east of Commercial Drive, May 2, 2008.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Alert Kiku-Shidare, not so weepy, Victoria and E 10 laneway, SW corner, May 2, 2008.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage The most amazing corner - the street sign says it all: Kanzans: Looking south, they have their own trunks: Looking east, and west, they are grafted: About 1/2 block Eeast, on the south side of the street, there is an Ukon (?): Nearby, at 31st & Elgin, there is this beauty, but I couldn't identify it: Laura 3:)
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Not if it's supposed to look like the picture on page 30 of Douglas's booklet - it doesn't have enough petals. This tree does not have double-layered flowers.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage About 1/2 block Eeast, on the south side of the street, there is an Ukon (?): Nearby, at 31st & Elgin, there is this beauty, but I couldn't identify it: Laura 3:)[/QUOTE] Hi, Laura. Long time not seen exsept postings. Anyway, I think those cherrys are Avium. Avium Plena has double Flowers which is on the booklet, but Avium is single flowered sweet cherry not on the booklet. You can see 'Prunus Avium - Small singles, green leaves, large round tree, mid to late season ' thread in 'Ornamental cherry caltivar thread.(I'm sorry I can't attach today. Why?) There Ron wrote "Different individuals have different characteristics." Ukon is greenish yellow white doubles, bronze leaves, mid-season.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Oh yes - thanks! Here's the link:
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage On the Kensington/Cedar Cottage Jane's Walk today, I had a chance to photograph a ton of cherries ... First, the beautiful planting of avium plenas on 20th Avenue, for several blocks extending from 1/2 block east of Knight Street about four blocks east to Fleming Street: Then moving north along the former bed of Gibson's Creek: The walk ended at around 13th & Woodland: Laura 3:) P.S. Sorry these weren't organized a little better - I hope it serves as just an idea of what's in bloom in Kensington/Cedar Cottage right now (May 4, 2008).
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Mikuruma-gaeshi's royal carriage almost at full stop at north side of Brock Street, west of Nanaimo on May 5, 2008.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage The royal carriage returned to look at the trees, you must be impressed with your car to call it that. Size, shape and arrangement of flowers still appealing although it would be better if their eyes didn't become bloodshot. You might want to correct your spelling of the cultivar name.