Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Pendula Tree and Blossoms on south side of E. 28 Avenue, just east of Elgin Street, private residence.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Akebono Triplet on west side of Victoria Drive, south of 16 Avenue and across the street from the Trout Lake Community Centre. The blossoms survived a freak snowstorm (2 hours! at the tail-end of March!).
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Akebonos (I hope) on 22nd Ave. east of Windsor - the stop sign was unnecessary for me: This was a horizontal branch, in case you're wondering.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage There are several Accolade fully bloomed on Dumfries between 21~22 Ave. (as nearby Lanark St. reported earlier)
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage I had mentioned this Accolade on the east side of Windsor at 38th earlier - I think it's now in full bloom, but it's had some storm damage at some point, and now it has a sign on it warning people not to park under it because the city is about to lop off some more of it: Laura 3:)
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage The Accolade on Windsor Street, north of 38 Avenue, has now been removed by the City of Vancouver tree pruning crew. There are other cherry trees on this stretch of Windsor that are not yet in bud.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage The first cherry to bloom on the cherry-lined stretch of E 35 from Elgin almost to Fraser, is this spindly new sapling in full bloom on April 7, 2008.Is it Yoshino?
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage I think this is Akebono. Because color is a bit deeper than Somei-Yoshino. If you see many flowers carefully, I think you can find 6th petal or staminode (incomplete petal) in flowers.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage These trees on west side of Victoria Drive, south of 16 Avenue and across the street from the Trout Lake Community Centre were posted on March 28 as Akebonos. They are in peak bloom now, April 10 and the flowers look more like Yoshinos. I couldn't see any extra petals.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Young family of Akebonos in full bloom on both sides of E 30th Ave., between St. Catherines and Windsor, April 11, 2008. Saw extra curly petals.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Akebonos on south side of E 19, stretching 4 blocks from Hull (one street east of Victoria) almost to Nanaimo, in full bloom on April 12, 2008.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Two different huge Pendulas on private residence on north side of E. 35, between Culloden and Knight. The lighter pink blossoms, resembling Whitcombs are from Pendula pendula and the darker pinks belong to Yae-beni-shidare.
Re: * POSTED - Accolades - Kensington-Cedar Cottage, Dumfries from E. 32nd to 33rd I took a closer look now, and I see that there is some confusion here, as there are at least two different cultivars on this block. There are the accolades, which are almost finished, I think: ... but about 1/2 way down the block there is a brilliant Akebono (I think) in full bloom at the moment: Laura 3:)
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Somei Yoshinos on west side of Victoria Drive at 26th Avenue, in full bloom on April 15, 2008
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Kensington's first Rancho in bloom April 15, 2008 on east side of Windsor, north of 33rd Avenue.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Sargent Cherry Trees on E. 13 at Clark, in bloom on April 16, 2008. [edited 20090713 by wcutler: We've decided to go with Yama-zakura for these. We'll be pretty safe with that id, since it allows for a lot of variation. We have a Yama-zakura thread in the Cultivar IDs forum - see posting #4 for a description.]
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Two young Sargents on duty on Windsor Street, north of 33rd Avenue, April 16, 2008. [edited 20090713 by wcutler: We've decided to go with Yama-zakura for these. We'll be pretty safe with that id, since it allows for a lot of variation. We have a Yama-zakura thread in the Cultivar IDs forum - see posting #4 for a description.]
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage The Magnificent Three: a trio of Shirotaes at the entrance to Kensington Community Centre, Dumfries and E 36, on April 19, 2008. Shook off the overnight snow storm.
Re: Kensington/Cedar Cottage Yae-beni-shidare Pendula on E. 26, west of Windsor, past peak bloom April 20, 2008.