The three Sargent Hybrid trees among the Akebono, along the north side of E. 26 at St. Catherine, are just past peak bloom, and shedding blossoms at March 31, 2020. With their characteristic sticky bud scales.
It's still March! Well, when you read this, I guess it will be time for April Fools to be looking so soon for mid-season cherries. Please don't take offence.
Yes - I was there today, too, but interestingly the Sargentii hybrid trees in the same block show no signs of blossoms.
The two Sargent Hybrid trees on the SE corner of Templeton and E. 10th are past peak bloom and dropping blossoms on April 2, 2020.
Kensington's three Umineko trees on the north side of E. 10, east of Lakewood, in the yard of Laura Secord Elementary, are in full bloom at April 2, 2020.
Here is Akebono at E. 12th and Woodland, in full-bloom, in the sunlight, in case this is its twilight photo at April 2, 2020.
The magnificent lone Somei Yoshino in the middle of Glen Park (24th & Windsor) is in full bloom now. Unfortunately, it's very hard to get a good photo of its blossoms, though, because they're very high up.
McBride Annex, in Greys Park (around 32nd & St. Catherines - Windsor) has a young rancho on the east side in bloom, and an Akebono on private property across the street on the west side of the school: On 31st Ave., a bit west of St. Catherines, there is another Akebono: And a bit further north, on the east side of St. Catherines, just south of the big street tree planting of Akebono trees, there's another little one on private property: In a back lane, just south of 28th, running east from St. Catherines, there is an Akebono tree in the back lane: And every day there are a few more blossoms open on the large Yae-beni-shidare on the north side of 26th Ave. between St. Catherines and Windsor: And Anne's 'Snofozam' at 29th & Inverness is still looking very nice:
One of our favorite neighborhood trees. This is the Big Cherry at Dickens annex. A 'Somei-Yoshino' When my kids attended school there the Principal, Miss Nishi ,Had all the kids form a circle around it and they took a pic and then put the pic on cards which they sold as a fund raiser. This would have been sometime between 1998 and 2006. I still have one of the cards!! it is early digital so the image is very pixally but the tree was in its full glory. Swinging by the park today it is not quite out in full bloom yet, but it is still looking magnificent......and i think we should try to take another shot, with people around it, but this year with the proper social distancing!! :)
Ah - that's the one I posted above in post #437 - thanks for that story about the kids and the post cards - sweet!
an 'Accolade' at 22nd and Dumfries. The tree's branching pattern is looking a little sad, but the flowers are absolutely exquisite. with the double petals and darker pink reverse and then dots of pollen still bright red. What a fabulous tree!
Weird, isn't it? Just when you think you know what Accolade looks like, you come across this transformation. Some day, we'll have to give up cherry scouting to retain what's left of our sanity.
This beautiful 'Yae-beni-shidare' on private property, is behind construction fence. Unfortunately this lovely house with the magnificent garden has been sold. I hope they will retain the house and its garden, but I am not so sure. My kids always loved the British telephone box that the garden use to have, and I just loved the beautiful plants.
this lovely street planting of 'Akebono' along 16th between Victoria Dr and Findlay. I know they are 'Akebono' because i found a one of those extra petal structures!! Lots and Lots of Bees in the flowers when the sun was shining this afternoon. Nice story from the lady who lives on the corner. She said all these trees along this street were planted by the neighbors around 4 years ago.
Do i have the wrong cultivar? I was going with what was on the map, and it looks like the description pg 12, lovely double flower....although the calyx isn't really all that red....
No, that looks right for 'Accolade', with extra-special nice colouring. Just when I think the early-blooming trees have had their run and I should leave them behind to be featuring mid-season blossoms on Blooming Now - Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival, along come photos like those where the earliest early-season flowers look bright and fresh.
More 'Akebono' and again I found the extra petal!! This is a group of young trees at the west side entrance, off Victoria Dr, to Trout lake. Just beyond the parking lot on the south side of the path as you head towards the lake.
Another cherry on our walk at Trout Lake yesterday. This one a much older specimen. Very few branches left in flower and i could not see the extra petal on the few flowers i could see. But I also did not see the knobs on the branches. Is this 'Akebono' or 'Somei-Yoshino'? this one is on the path heading north towards the off leash Dog park. the tree is to the West of the path and the lake is to the East of the path. Anne says they are a Sargent Hybrid.
two old grand ladies of Trout Lake....well close enough to Trout Lake. on Victoria drive at 16th West side of Vic Drive. Still Magnificent and in full bloom! Map has them identified as 'Somei-Yoshino'