Kanzan Brown Rot Question

Discussion in 'Ornamental Cherries' started by Keith Darnell, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. Keith Darnell

    Keith Darnell New Member

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    I have four Kwanzan cherry trees in my backyard and two of them got hit by brown rot last summer. The trees had not been sprayed prior to the onset. I sprayed all four after seeing rot on the first one, but it still spread to a second. Two of the trees were not affected at all and I've sprayed them preventively this year.

    On one of the infected trees, it killed about 75% of the limbs and the remaining 25% have budded and are blooming. On the other, it killed all of the limbs and there are no buds this spring.

    My question is whether it's worth cutting these trees back to the trunk and see if they will recover over time or if I should just cut them both down and start over.

    Also, on one of my "healthy" trees, there is a large section of peeling bark that looks suspicious. Should I be concerned with this?

    Pics of all attached.


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