Hi, i saw some Majesty Palms at my local K-Mart and want to save them. They are outside and we have a frost expected this weekend. They dont bring the houseplants in for the night, either. I like palms and have a sunny room for them. Are they hard to grow? If they are about the same as a Howea Palm in difficulty, i will rescue them. Please respond soon. greenthumb95
G'day Tere....I have heard that they are quite difficult to grow inside, mine are outside in full sun. Does your sun room have a glass roof or normal roof? Ed
Hi, my sunroom has a normal roof, but my other palms seem to thrive. I have a Howea Palm, 2 Date Palms, and one Coconut Palm that is getting too big. I have a humidifier in there so humidity shouldn't be an issue. Only my old Coconut Palm got a disease and i desided to get rid of it instead of risking having it spread. greenthumb95
Thanks for the advice! I will get at least 2 of them. Also, how big can Coconut Palms get? Mine is about 20 Centimeters from the celing.
Hi, i don't know what i will do. I could give them to the Arnold Arboreutum in Boston. It's run by Harvard, so they probably have a Coconut Palm. Anyway, thanks for the advice again. They seem to be doing good. I got 3 of the five Majesty Palms. Hows the weather in australia? greenthumb95
Not bad in Brisbane. Its winter but it has been 26 degrees!! Gotta love it. We had a lot of rain lat the end of last week, which caused some flash flooding on and above the Sunshine Coast, which is about an hour north of here. How the weather over there? Ed
Its okay. This week has been around 13 degrees C. even though its summer here on the northern hemisphere. Its been raining since monday, and this week we got 5 cm. The pollen has finally gone away this year. Maine, north about 2 hours north of here, also got flash flooding on the Saco, Dead, and Kennebec rivers. Thanks for the info. greeenthumb95