OK. just let me say upfront. This is my first home. I have NEVER had to take care of a yard AT ALL! Much less one with landscaping! There are these crazy bush/grass/things along the side of my house. They are all dead looking (dry and brittle). But there are green sprouts comming up inside the jumble of deadness! Do I get rid of the dead stuff? Here are pics!!! Ohhh god please help me. They look so HORRIBLE! And my neighbors complained at the neighborhood meeting last weekend.. And everyone on this street already hates me because I am here are link to pics of the crazy things http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l251/XlStatuslX/DSCF0003.jpg http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l251/XlStatuslX/DSCF0004.jpg http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l251/XlStatuslX/DSCF0005.jpg http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l251/XlStatuslX/DSCF0007.jpg Thanks for your help!!! I really need it!
Looks like a Miscanthus that needs a haircut. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miscanthus_sinensis Just chop it down as far as you dare. HTH Chris
Yes, and don't worry if you cut a bit of the green as well. You should have done it before the green showed, but oh well :-)
Cool. Thank you so much. I looked at the pics on wikipedia of this crazy thing.. SInce I didnt get it trimmed back intime, do you think it will grow full size still??? BEcuase it actually looks really pretty!!!!
It might, however it wants to be in Full Sun. Yours appears to be somewhat shaded. If so it might be wise to move it. They can get quite large.