Hello, I bought a fig tree and a peach tree today. Now I'm afraid because I don't really know how to care for them and think I'll probably do the same thing to them that I did to my poor lime tree (killed it - I think!). The fig is about 6 feet tall, with a 1 inch trunk. The peach is about 3 to 4 feet. What do I do with them to ensure they will thrive? Some of my questions are: - do i keep them in the pot? they seem to like it there since they look so beautiful (the fig tree has 17 little figs in them!) - how often do i water them? - how much sun do they need? - when do i repot them? I'm so new at this; don't even know what questions I should be asking! Thank you for helping turn a purple thumb into may be a green one! Maybe someday... :-)
If you've got a yard (or not), I'd suggest that you repot them.. The pots they come in from the local nursery or home center are short-term pots and the trees can quickly become root-bound (no enough room for the roots in the pot anymore) and in some cases can split the pot.. If this is your first time planting trees, I'd suggest getting a book or two from your local library on taking care of trees.. I'm sure someone else can chime in as well here with info better than mine as mine is very basic.