Best time for these plants Brachyglottis cv. Sunshine, Dierama sp., Ceanothus americanus with white flowers, Zantedeschia rehmannii Brunsvigia radulosa from S.Africa just started blooming
It's still June. Here are some Asteraceae. The first two were featured on Facebook and I was pretty sure I would mix them up. Here is, I think, Inula magnifica. Several Inula have been posted here, mostly in July. I did not find the tag on these. If I hadn't know there was such a thing a Haplocarpha scaposa, I surely would have mistaken this for Inula. I'm not even sure that I still wouldn't confuse them. Well, this is a lot smaller and the seed heads are very different. Keeping with the yellow theme, here is Helichrysum splendidum. I posted Berkheya cirsiifolia on August 10, 2012. This is Berkheya purpurea.
My contribution this time is the only picture. Gladiolus papilio cv. Ruby, I think it is first time we have this Gladiolus in the Alpine garden(South Africa section)