Two years ago I posted this Indigofera kirilowii somewhat hidden near the garden entrance. With its pea leaves and drooping pink pea flowers, it looks so much to me like Robinia pseudoacacia 'Purple Robe', if that were a ground shrub instead of a tree. Thanks to Andy Hill for supplying the name of this Indigofera amblyantha, looking quite showy now near the garden entrance. I'd forgotten that these and the previous plants were the same genus. Andy said that though these flowers are growing upward, they'll eventually become drooping like the first ones. Deutzia hookeriana are looking very nice now. These count as flowers, on the Nyssa sylvatica, in the North Garden. I thought I might have missed the petals, but this is what the female flowers look like. The bees were happy enough. How many times have I photographed this Rosa x odorata 'Mutabilis', just off the main path in the Asian Garden - it's still so beautiful and smells wonderful too.