July 8, 2014 in the garden

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I was seeking photos for for just a few of the plants mentioned by Douglas Justice in his July 2014 in the Garden | UBC Botanical Garden blog.

    I seem to have missed the point two years ago when I posted Rhododendron auriculatum. It's the ear-like leaf bases (that's what auriculatum means) I was supposed to notice, not visible in the the flower photo in that thread.

    The cranesbills (geraniums) have been in bloom for a while, but they're still looking good. There a very many kinds of geraniums listed, but none in the area where I saw these. Based on what I can find on the internet for double cranesbills with thin leaf lobes like these, I'm calling these Geranium pratense 'Plenum Caeruleum'. Any other ideas? There are supposed to be G. pratense 'Plenum Violaceum' not too far from where these are, but the photos I'm seeing of that show flowers with much more red in the colour (more violet).
    20140708_UBCBG_GeraniumPratensePlenumCaeruleum_Cutler_P1090771.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_GeraniumPratensePlenumCaeruleum_Cutler_P1090778ps.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_GeraniumPratensePlenumCaeruleum_Cutler_P1090786.jpg

    Here's some other geranium.
    20140708_UBCBG_Geranium-Cranesbill_Cutler_P1090803.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_Geranium-Cranesbill_Cutler_P1090805.jpg

    Filipendula (meadowsweets) were new to me. Here is Filipendula purpurea 'Nana', flowers just starting to open.
    20140708_UBCBG_FilipendulaPurpureaNana_Cutler_P1090795.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_FilipendulaPurpureaNana_Cutler_P1090800.jpg

    Other garden visitors (from England, I think) put me on to Malva for these. Though I didn't find the tags, I think this one is Malva moschata.
    20140708_UBCBG_MalvaMoschata_Cutler_P1090842.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_MalvaMoschata_Cutler_P1090840.jpg

    And Malva sylvestris, and some bees.
    20140708_UBCBG_MalvaSylvestris_Cutler_P1090844.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_MalvaSylvestris_Cutler_P1090847.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_MalvaSylvestris_Cutler_P1090849.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_MalvaSylvestris_Cutler_P1090852.jpg

    Continuing the bee series, here is Allium cernuum var. cernuum.
    20140708_UBCBG_AlliumCernuumVarCernuum_Cutler_P1090816.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_AlliumCernuumVarCernuum_Cutler_P1090828.jpg 20140708_UBCBG_AlliumCernuumVarCernuum_Cutler_P1090830.jpg

    I keep trying to get a good photo of the Tropaeolum speciosum, though I didn't remember that last month when it was really showy.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017

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