July 2023 in the garden - Rodgersia

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Jul 12, 2023.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Douglas Justice's July in the Garden 2023 - UBC Botanical Garden blog is an update of the one he wrote for June in 2016, with lots more photos, more description and details of locations. I posted photos from 2016 at https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/threads/2016-june-8-june-in-the-garden-rodgersia.88784/.

    As was the case seven years ago, I found almost no labels, but yesterday I managed to keep track of where I was photographing and I think I have confirmed the plants on Garden Explorer. By now, the flowers are almost finished and the plants are producing fruits.

    Really, some of these are not confusing at all. Rodgersia podophylla, duck-foot rodgersia, is very distinct.
    Rodgersia podophylla_UBCBG-3AA5_Cutler_20230711_143607.jpg Rodgersia podophylla_UBCBG-3AAD_Cutler_20230711_144310.jpg Rodgersia podophylla_UBCBG-3AAD_Cutler_20230711_144343.jpg Rodgersia podophylla_UBCBG-3AAD_Cutler_20230711_144400.jpg

    Rodgersia aesculifolia have the same leaf plamate arrangement, but no lobes at the tips of the leaflets. Easy.
    Rodgersia aesculifolia_UBCBG-3AB5_Cutler_20230711_151019.jpg Rodgersia aesculifolia_UBCBG-3AB5_Cutler_20230711_151051.jpg
    Rodgersia aesculifolia_UBCBG-3ADA_Cutler_20230711_155439.jpg Rodgersia aesculifolia_UBCBG-3ADA_Cutler_20230711_155451.jpg Rodgersia aesculifolia_UBCBG-3ADA_Cutler_20230711_155500.jpg Rodgersia aesculifolia_UBCBG-3ADA_Cutler_20230711_155526.jpg Rodgersia aesculifolia_UBCBG-3AB5_Cutler_20230711_151045.jpg

    Rodgersia pinnata have some leaves in a palmate arrangement, but most leaves more or less pinnate.
    Rodgersia pinnata_UBCBG-south of Lam_Cutler_20230711_151925.jpg Rodgersia pinnata_UBCBG-south of Lam_Cutler_20230711_152026.jpg Rodgersia pinnata_UBCBG-south of Lam_Cutler_20230711_152041.jpg Rodgersia pinnata_UBCBG-south of Lam_Cutler_20230711_152059.jpg

    Rodgersia pinnata_UBCBG-3AA5_Cutler_20230711_143125.jpg Rodgersia pinnata_UBCBG-3AA5_Cutler_20230711_143128.jpg Rodgersia pinnata_UBCBG-3AA5_Cutler_20230711_143138.jpg Rodgersia pinnata_UBCBG-3AA5_Cutler_20230711_143117.jpg
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I would not be able to distinguish these R. pinnata cultivars from the species plants, but I found a label for Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'.
    Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'_UBCBG-3AAD_UBCBG_Cutler_20230711_145328.jpg Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'_UBCBG-3AAC_Cutler_20230711_145835.jpg Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'_UBCBG-3AAC_Cutler_20230711_145852.jpg Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'_UBCBG-3AAD_Cutler_20230711_144901.jpg Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'_UBCBG-3AAD_UBCBG_Cutler_20230711_145002.jpg
    Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'_UBCBG-3AAC_Cutler_20230711_145909.jpg Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'_UBCBG-3AAC_Cutler_20230711_145918.jpg

    This should be Rodgersia pinnata 'Elegans', on the left next to a R. aesculifolia, photos from two weeks ago.
    Rodgersia pinnata 'Elegans' on left- R. aesculifolia on right_UBCBG-3AB5_Cutler_20230628_144031.jpg Rodgersia pinnata 'Elegans'_UBCBG-3AB5_Cutler_20230628_144112.jpg Rodgersia pinnata 'Elegans'_UBCBG-3AE6_Cutler_20230711_160522.jpg

    Rodgersia podophylla is not one mentioned that has an overlapping range with the others and is one that would be expected to hybridize readily, but I thought the pinnate leaves with the lobed leaf tips would indicate a hybrid.
    Rodgersia hybrid_UBCBG-3AE6_Cutler_20230711_155849.jpg Rodgersia hybrid_UBCBG-LowerAsianWay east of Kingdon Ward_Cutler_20230711_155032.jpg Rodgersia hybrid_UBCBG-LowerAsianWay east of Kingdon Ward_Cutler_Cutler_20230711_155041.jpg Rodgersia hybrid_UBCBG-west of WhartonGlade_Cutler_20230711_160348.jpg Rodgersia hybrid_UBCBG-west of WhartonGlade_Cutler_20230711_160334.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2023
  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Since Astilboides tabularis was mentioned in the blog, it having once been classified as rodgersia, and since I found a whole small circular path with lots of them right up at the path, I got a little over-excited. Huge peltate leaves (the stem connects inside the margin of the leaf, a feature that makes any such plant a favourite for me) - how could I never have noticed these before Douglas featured them a few months ago?! If you want to see photos of several plants with peltate leaves, I have curated a gallery on Flickr (Flickr galleries are other people's photos) at Peltate Leaves | Flickr.
    Astilboides tabularis_UBCBG-3AB6_Cutler_20230711_152959.jpg Astilboides tabularis_UBCBG-3AB6_Cutler_20230711_153047.jpg Astilboides tabularis_UBCBG-3AB6_Cutler_20230711_153055.jpg
    Astilboides tabularis_UBCBG-3AB6_Cutler_20230711_153032.jpg Astilboides tabularis_UBCBG-3AB6_Cutler_20230711_153105.jpg
    Astilboides tabularis_UBCBG-3AB6_Cutler_20230711_153140.jpg Astilboides tabularis_UBCBG-3AB6_Cutler_20230711_153217.jpg Astilboides tabularis_UBCBG-3AB6_Cutler_20230711_153439.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023

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