I got a Jubaea out here in the Fraser valley. Seems as if it's deficient in some nutrient. Potassium perhaps? I've only owned this one for a few months. I know it hasn't got fertilized this year. All I got is some 9-3-9. It's got boron, iron and magnesium in the mix also. So I sprinkled a bit of that on it last week. Anybody know what I'm dealing with here? My google research is pointing towards a potassium deficiency. Any advice would be appreciated.
Looking at the site - flat and moist-looking - and the way it differs from the species' native habitat (dry hills), I'd wonder if it is poor drainage / waterlogging that is causing the damage?
I found a field mice tunnel system running all through this wine palm yesterday. This planter has no bottom on it and the were coming up through there and in through the top. Filled in the holes I could with sand. chopped down the high grass surrounding the palm. And sprinkled some eucalyptus oil on the planter to deter these guys.
The fronds were yellow when I bought the palm in May. Some appear to have yellowed even more. I went to the nursery I bought it at yesterday and they had trimmed all the yellow off the remaining Jubaea they had.