I have a red JM in my back yard. It has been there for about 30 to 40 years. about two months age i had the back yard fully paved with paving blocks. around the perimeter are planting beds. everything looked great untill about 3-4 days ago the maple leaves started turning brown and droping all of its leaves. I woud hate to lose this fine tree can anyone give me an idea of what is happening. Thank You radon1
We are hearing similarly stories from various areas, including the north-east. Check out the following link regarding early leaf drop, which was posted in another thread last week: http://www.mortonarboretumphc.org/feature%20articles/Plant%20Physiology/When%20Trees%20Drop%20Their%20Leaves%20or%20Develo p%20Early%20Fall%20Color%20%20August%202002.pdf Inspect the branches and you should see new buds, which some of our members have reported should leaf out in about three weeks. If you see branch die-back or discoloration in the trunk anywhere, let us know.