Greetings, I am launching, today, the beginning of my webjournal on the Jewel Orchids. At this moment I only have 12 pages up and will be writing more during the balance of this year as I would like to have as much as possible done by year's end. While Jewel Orchids are often thought of as being exclusively from hot lush jungles in South East Asia I am including the temperate representatives of the genus Goodyera. If you are familiar with the term, Rattlesnake Orchid, then you may be acquainted with this very interesting orchid genus. Here is my link to the front door: Please note that the webhost that I use may be busy on your visit and if you cannot get in to view the pages please return in an hour or so or at your convenience. I shall be working on Ludisia as my next page and from there I do not really have anything concrete in mind. We will see.
It is done! I have gotten all the pages up that I will be posting for the time being. There is a final page with sources for plants. Most are in the US, one in Canada and one source of several species in Australia. Next year hope to be adding some links to relevant pages as well as additional genera if possible.
The name Haemaria was applied to this genus in 1840 but was preceded in 1825 by Ludisia. The earlier designation has been cited as the original name of this genus. Here is a link to the online encyclopedia of orchids which I used in dealing with the issues of proper scientific names.