
Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Irene Simmons, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. Irene Simmons

    Irene Simmons Member

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    Lakewood,CO Jefferson
    What do I do to keep my Jasmine tree blooming?
  2. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    The will bloom mostly in the late spring and summer, they need a lot of sunlight and fertilizer during the growing season to keep them blooming, most will finishing blooming in the fal/winter. Prune them back a bit in the fal so in the spring it will get new growth and new flower bud, also placing them outside for the summer will help they bloom quite a bit.
  3. Irene Simmons

    Irene Simmons Member

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    Lakewood,CO Jefferson
    Thank you for your reply. I have been fertilizing with an orchid fertilizer [30 10 10] and have had about six cluster of blooms. There are quite a few new sprigs of new leaf growth, but no more buds.
    Will there be more blooms later? This plant is located on an east facing enclosed patio. I put it outside for about a month last fall before pruning it and bringing it in for the winter. The fragrance is exeptional. Can you tell me the best way to dry the blossoms for flavoring green tea? I have also been trying to start a Plumeria that my son brought me from Hawaaii. It is still dormant. Any sugesstions for getting it going?
    Thank you
  4. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    I don't know much about rying the flowers, but yu could just let them dry on the plant and then remove them. It will get more blossoms, but it will need to be kept being well watered and fertilized. suggest that you put it outside this spring once the frost is finished and leave it out till the fall, it should bloom well for you all summer long. As for the Plumeria, this website might help you out, http://www.austinplumeria.com/page2/page2.html. I don't own one myself but i do have 3 for sale in my store that are still dormant.

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