Please Help!!! I have recently purchased a jasmine tree. It looked very healthy when I bought it, it even had some blooms. Now that I've got it home the flowers are gone and the leaves are starting to turn yellow and fall off. I've been watering it about once a week with water mixed with a bit of 20-20-20 All Purpose Fertilizer. It has direct sunlight for some of the morning, and indirect sunlight for the rest of the day. What am I doing wrong? What can I do to save it? I love my jasmine tree!!!
hi, i have had my jasmine tree for about 8 months and it is doing great, i thought. i had the problem you are having with the leaves falling off. i was told that it was because i moved it from outside to the indoors. i thought it was dead but to my suprise the leaves are coming back. just doing let it get too dry or wet...hope you are having better luck
We get posts about "jasmine trees" from time to time. I think this plant is Murraya paniculata. A search of the forums (search function is on the green bar at the top of the page) or the Web for that name will provide more info.
I have an indoor jasmine tree as well. I am pretty sure its an orange jasmine. It gets a lot of sun during the day - in fact I am wondering if it's too much. Its a southern window and its pretty bright. My leaves are turning yellow and kind of curdling and falling off. It did bloom once inside but then, kaput. I wonder if I should move it? I thought jasmine trees needed so much light... I feed it once a week as well. I love my tree too and it makes me sad to see it so unhealthy.
I purchased a Jasmine tree that has dark green leaves with very vagrant white flowers. We had the tree for only two weeks when the leave start dying and falling off. I got fed up and put it out on our dock. It was there all summer. Well with signs of frost we brought the tree in on Sunday, October 23 and within two days the leave are all falling off and so are the flowers. Should this tree be planted outside the in the ground beacuse is sure does not living in our living room. (This room we have all west side windows that shine the sun in all day). Please advise as what to do or it will be floating down the river soon.
These "jasmine trees" seem to come up fairly often on the forums. I think that the plant in question is Murraya paniculata. You can try searches of the botanical name. Also see these previous threads: I think the plant likes typical conditions: moist, but not wet soil - ordinary potting soil - bright light (does not need full sun though) - temperatures above 13° C (55° F) - mild fertilizer in spring. When a plant is brought indoors or placed out, leaf drop is not uncommon. Do look closely for pests on the plant. Bugs often come indoors with the plants, but there predators may not, then the pest population explodes.
Hey Guys/Ladies,,,,Thanks for posting your messages, ive learned from reading your advice; i got me one a jasmine tree and i love scent that fills my house. although it is growing a lot that it needs pruning, i am wondering when the best time to prune is after blooming or before blooming?? and are there any precautions when pruning?? i apriciate any imput! thanks