Hello everyone, My mom currently has 6 Japanese Yews, planted them early last year and they took off great. Now it appears someone has dumped something on them and now they're dying. This isn't the first time we've had plants die on us out of nowhere, we have some rather interesting neighbours to say the least. They're turning born in the middle and the needles are falling off. Is there anything that can be done to save them??? The needles are falling off, if the plant does come back, will it be a bare spot??? Can then be cut off at the base of the trunk and will they grow back???
Winter damage? Whatever the cause if the cause is not corrected they aren't likely to grow back. Especially if they have died.
I thought that could be the case too, but all of them have the issue and I would have expected it to happen at the top rather than the middle. I'll post photos later. They started to brown in early winter.
Wait and see what the ones that still have a lot of green do. Although if they sometimes get hurt by cold there maybe you should plant something else if you are trying to produce a hedge.