I have a Japanese snowbell that is being destroyed (leaves) by what appears to be a minute black worm. When we planted about 5 years ago we thought these trees were relatively pest free. Thanks for any ifo on this problem. I applied an environmentally friendly powder to get rid of these pests to no avail. Do I have to get rid of the destroyed leaves?
If in US take samples to Master Gardener clinic, Extension office or trusted independent nursery for guidance. If elsewhere maybe there is an equivalent source of assistance available there.
Thanks Ron B.--I am in Canada so I suppose I could take a sample to the M.N.R.(Ministry of Natural Resources)--maybe they could identify this little pest. Thanks again--Obe
I'd like to hear what your pest is...however, I would think Safer's anti caterpillar spray should do the trick, I think it is BTK Biological Insecticide. In any case, something that will kill the little guys before they stip the tree bare and reproduce themselves! Usually at this time of year in your area it is the pesky army worm hatch that strips off trees. They are tiny and black at first, and the tents small. Alas, they grow!