Japanese Red Maple Problems

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Ed Summerly, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. Ed Summerly

    Ed Summerly Member

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    southern new england, USA
    I planted an ornamental Japanese Red Maple mid-spring of this year and over the past several months the leaves have all turned from red to green and the tips on most have begun to brown and wither. The nursery that sold me the tree said that it was appropriate for full sun areas. However, the spot was partially shaded so I trimmed back the other trees that were providing the shade and for the last 2 months it has been in full sun but that does not seem to have helped.

    I prepared the area for planting using 4 bags of topsoil (40 lb each), 2 cu ft of peat moss, 1 bag of composted manure and 1 small bag of vermiculite mixed well with the natural silty/clayey soil.

    Because of the inclusion of manure I have not fertilized. My understanding is that the trees like slightly acidic soils so I have not limed the area either.

    Any thoughts on the nature of the problem and solution would be appreciated.

  2. smivies

    smivies Active Member

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    Kingston, Ontario, Canada
    Not all red leaved Japanese Maple varieties hold their red through the summer equally. The youngest leaves will be almost scarlet & as they mature during the season, turn burgundy, then eventually dark green. The best varieties hold the burgundy the longest. You will still get spectacular fall colour though (NO late season fertilizer).

    The leaf tips browning is probably a result of the tree being newly planted and the fact it's in full sun. As the tree becomes more established, the browning will decrease but you still may see some in hot dry years. A little afternoon shade is ideal for most Japanese maples and some will tolerate full sun.

    Soil is fine as long as it doesn't get too dry...they like moist but well drained.
  3. Ed Summerly

    Ed Summerly Member

    Likes Received:
    southern new england, USA
    Thanks for the info. I hope you are right because the tree is looking fairly unhappy as we move into the fall. I was tempted to give it a dose of granular balance fertilizer but its likely too late in the season for that.
  4. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    please Ed not fertilze! For one or two years after planted the leaves have a little stress is normal ,for advice read in FAQ "how plant the maple"

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