Hi. We live in the Grand Rapids MI area. We have two JM and unfortunately we had a late snow, after budding had begun. The srubs/trees (?) seem to have had major problems. Part of them are alive, but alot of the plants appear to be dead. Can we save them - and if so, how do we do it? Thus far, we haven't touched them.
I am having the same issue with my Japanese Maple. We had a 2 day freeze after budding began and the middle of my tree never grew foliage. Now the branch has blackened and I am worried it is something other then the freeze (fungus). I will take some pictures tomorrow. Aaron
Thanks for the replys - Just got an email from my mother, who's a flower garden judge down in FL, to wait until mid summer before I cut. Since she's not familiar with MI type weather, she wasn't sure if that was the best advise. So what's the best advise?
I have gone through many of the forums but could not find any pictures that matched what I have. Here are the pics of my damage. thanks, Aaron
The general advice here is to wait and see how the tree develops before entering into a panic state In a few weeks time you will have a better view of what needs to be done Often the tree is sending out new buds which you will damage if you interfere
This is my first year growing these trees but that one looks like a goner to me. The trunk looks rotted to me. NamNhi
We have one planted a few weeks ago (about 8 ft tall) in a big pot and it looked similar (top branches had no leafs at all). Now small leafs start growing on a few top branches. I think our maple is in stress...
hi when I have similar problem, I prune, if maple is Ko mid summer or may is equal ;of course prune a little and small branch. Several prune only if maple is total dry ,then I cut grond level.alex
I counted ten upper branches dry about 5 in from the top. It also looks like the JM has been prun before I got it.