I have recently joined the ***. maple society and would like to know if anyone is growing in zone 5. I am currently growing about twenty cultivars pretty successfully (for about 3-8 years) and would like to try to get together a list of ***. maples that would tolerate zone 5. I do grow mine either in protected locations or else I make a burlap wind shield or wrap the entire tree in floating row cover over the winter, unless they are too big (my 'Garnet' and 'Crimsom Queen' are too big). These are currently the ones I've been growing the longest: A.p. 'Butterfly' and 'Waterfall', A. aconitifolium, A. shirasawanum 'Aureum', A. p. 'Kashima', A.p. 'Ukigumo', and A.p. 'Beni Schichihenge'. They have all experienced -20 with little dieback. The most dieback I had last year came from a very dry fall and winter with some low temps. I would love to hear any recommendations and experiences from zone fivers. I am also experimenting this year with moving three smaller into the garage for the winter. Maybe I'll grow some in pots only. I guess I could move.... Kay Dye (Edelstein, IL Central Ill.)
Did you mean The Maple Society? There are many acer that grow in Z5 some will grow in colder zones. Many can in fact be grown from seed. I have grown many seedling of Acer griseum, triflorum, pensylvanicum, pseudosieboldianum, henryi, that are growing in Z5 and colder. I saw above you were looking for the society seed fund, If you like I can send you triflorum, pseudosieboldianum, pensylvanicum. let me know. Ron
Yes, I did mean the maple society. Thanks. I have griseum, two triflorums, pennsylvaticum, and I tried pseudosieboldianum, but it died (probably my fault) and I need to try it again. I would like to try seeds of it if you have them to spare. I have 3 seeds of aconitifolium that I am going to try to germinate. I followed the info in Vertrees book, so we'll see. I am mostly trying to find out which Acer palmatum cultivars will survive our zone 5 winters and figured the best way would to post here. Size is a bit of a problem, so I am always looking for smaller growers. Kay