I believe I read on here that a wet spring is no good for japanese maples. Fungus is the problem if I remember right. I just planted a bunch of new Japanese Maples and watered well at planting as I always do. I pretty much flood them and then don't look back unless we get a serious drought. It's not the right way I'm sure but it's worked 100% so far for somewhere around 100 trees so I stick with it. My drainage must be pretty good. Now my concern with this new batch is I just planted them a couple days ago with the ground pretty much water logged and now we are getting loaded with rain for the next few days and a week of cold weather. I've already noticed some problems on the leaves of a few. Is there anything I can do to help them make it past this wet spell? The worst one is one that tipped over the night before I planted it and it rained all night. I found it soaked laying in the woods. Now a bunch of the leaves have spots on them that are clear looking. I'm not sure if it is fungus or not but I'm kind of worried about it. The others show typical signs of over watering and one of them has some dark brown on the tips. I'm not sure if I can do anything but wait it out but I figured I'd see if any of you could help before it gets worse. I would hate to lose any of these new trees. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!