My sango kaku didn’t show signs of stress during this hot dry summer but in the last couple of weeks the leaves have begun to turn brown and curl up which is not what they have done in previous years. Last year at the end of October it was still fully leafed out although they had changed their to lovely orange and yellow colours. They fell without turning brown and curling up. Does anyone know why this is happening and will my tree survive? It’s been planted for 5 years. Thanks
Many maples are in a similar state here - some of mine and neighbors'. I think it is just a consequence of the weather pattern this year and, eventhough it is disappointing, is nothing to worry about. I note that your 'burned' leaves are the (newest) late summer flush, just as is the case here. Older leaves are okay.
Agree with Osoyoung, nothing to worry about. Second flush leaves often get burnt in the heat of Summer.
You can just pull off a few of the dried up leaves and you should see an nice bright green tiny bud set already developed for next season. A very common site as already mentioned with this very long dry summer we have had. 25C here yesterday in Chilliwack, almost uncomfortable to sit in the sun.
Thanks so much for the replies. I did check my tree and next year’s buds are there. These hot summers are so hard on the Japanese maples.
You’ll be happy when they leaf out in the spring. Be sure to prune off the dead wood when you see the buds begin to swell