Japanese Maple nursery in the Midwest

Discussion in 'Maples' started by kaydye, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. kaydye

    kaydye Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Live in Mapleton, Illinois, zone 5
    For all of you living in the midwest and feeling that mail order is the only way to be able to find a Japanese maple other than Bloodgood and Crimson Queen, have I got news for you. I stumbled onto Davidsan's Japanese Maples when doing a search for A. palm. 'Murasaki Hime' and when I saw this nursery, I couldn't believe it. It is located in zone 5, Springfield, IL, which is less than two hours from my house. I went there this week and was amazed. Not only are there many in the ground, which is always good to know in zone 5, but there is a selection of 250 cultivars for sale. David, the owner, was fantastic and showed me around his place pointing out maples that I had never heard of as well as those I had. There were sizes from 1 gal to 5 and the prices were really reasonable. Check out the excellent website, there are a lot of great pictures and comments about the maple's cultivar rating and area suitability. If you are anywhere within driving range, I urge you to check it out.


  2. maf

    maf Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Northamptonshire, England
    I live nowhere near the midwest, but I always like browsing Japanese maple websites, thanks for the link, that was an enjoyable site to read through. David obviously knows his maples and how to get the best out of them in your climate. It is always better to have locally grown rather than imported plants, and having a nursery like this one will be a great resource for people in your area.
  3. paxi

    paxi Active Member

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    St. Louis
    Hey thanks!!! That's about the same distance away from me - I can't wait to get out there either this fall or next spring. I wonder where he gets most of his maples. So great to have some locally grown trees. Interesting that he espouses spring planting. You should submit this to the maple links section.
  4. prairiestyle

    prairiestyle Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Omaha, NE, USA
    My friend at the botanical gardens here in Omaha received two trees from Davidsans this spring - a 'Yubae' and a 'Yasemin' - and both were healthy, good-looking and good-sized specimens. And David is most friendly and truly cares about his trees. Living along the northern edge of japanese maple limits, it's nice having northern sources for trees!
  5. McHoop

    McHoop Member

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    Indiana, US
    David does have a nice site and apparently decent prices and good sized trees. My initial inquiries to him were answered promptly. However, when I emailed him for information on a particular tree a few months back, I never received a response. Maybe it was an honest oversight...???

  6. paxi

    paxi Active Member

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    St. Louis
    I caught this on the website, maybe it helps:
  7. Customfox

    Customfox Member

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    Kankakee Illinois, USA
    Kay, thank you for the information on Davidson's. I live in north eastern Illinois (about 2 1/2 hours from Springfield) so this an easy drive for me. Looks to me like a road trip is in order.

    All of my Japanese Maples are in pots on my deck on our deck except this one. Its an Aureum that I purchased locally 5 years ago from a friend that has a nusery. I didn't realize at the time that it was considered to be a delicate tree. It survived the -18F that we had last winter it has put on really nice growth this year.

  8. kaydye

    kaydye Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Live in Mapleton, Illinois, zone 5
    Beautiful Aureum. I would say you don't have to worry about that one. Mine was about 16" tall when I bought it in 1995 and has been a strong grower. One gorgeous shir. I got from Davidsan's was Ruby Red. The colors of the leaf remind me of some of those new carmel/pink colored heucheras. I am going to get back once more before the end of summer. He has a nice selection of some of the really dissected palmatums like 'Baby Lace' that I thought I would just grow in pots. Have fun.

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