Japanese maple Leaf color.. problem?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Dsm1gb, Oct 17, 2020.

  1. Dsm1gb

    Dsm1gb Active Member

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    Bishop California
    Hi everyone.

    I have a Beni Oshio that every year leafs out amazingly and beautiful. As summer progresses and the summer shoots or the upper layer of the tree always seem to get this weird transparent look. Most of the ones on top don’t make it, but the lower 3/4 of the tree is fine.

    Morning sun, dappled sun till about noon, shade the rest of the day.

    I’ve tried less water, as it is in a spot that stays pretty moist which is needed where I live.

    Is it time to try moving this tree or is it lacking something?

    I’ve added a photo of it in spring as well.

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  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    @Dsm1gb good morning, your maple looks fine where it is, but IMO the nutrients are not getting to the upper branches. This can be from not enough water to the roots or being waterlogged. Now you say the ground is always moist so the latter comes to mind more. Compaction can also play a part in oxygen not getting to the roots.
    Loosening the soil around the tree is an option and adding a gritty compost. This can be done anytime now as it is going into dormancy. There will be some root damage doing this, but it will recover.
    In the Spring apply a granular slow release feed.
    Dsm1gb likes this.
  3. Dsm1gb

    Dsm1gb Active Member

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    Bishop California
    Thank you for your informative post! I will try that just wanted to make sure. I am rearranging the yard anyway so I will add that to the list. Thanks again!

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