Can anyone recommend a Japanese Maple that grows more upright than wide for a small garden that can withstand full sun in Southern Ontario climate, with hardiness 6a or colder? The varieties I have in mind are Seiryu, Emperor I, Tsuma gaki, Ozakazuki and Shojo.
Seiryu, Tsuma gaki, and Osakazuki seem to get as wide as tall here. 12-15' tall and 15-20' wide in 15-20 years. Maybe an Acer griseum would be suitable, a little hardier than the JM .
Seems to me Tsuma gaki needs some shade, although me references aren't available to confirm. A. griseum is of course a beautiful maple, but perhaps not the look Rosslyn is going for. How about simply planting the species A. palmatum subsp palmatum? A lovely green maple with excellent fall colour able to withstand full sun... Or looking further afield, A. pseudosieboldianum, the Korean maple, does well in full sun. -E
Really Alex? I've been holding off getting a tegmentosum because I don't really have the right spot yet. I thought the name meant "hidden" or some such, as in shade. Did you ever succeed in obtaining 'Joe Witt?' cheers, hope it is warmer there than here, -E
I have only White Tigress in open sun (by Esveld one year ago);Joe Witt not avaible in U.E. is avaible in USA by Stanley and Soons,or Broken Arrow nursery, when is young have a beautiful white bark striped green ;Emery if you have an american contact please order for me too one Joe Witt....alex
The choice of a Japanese maple in full sun is limited to the availability in my local nurseries. The Acer palmatum species is available but seems to grow quite big. Garden tips from a nursery here suggest that maples with green leaves would withstand full sun better than their red-leaf counterparts and that even others that prefer part shade can still grow well provided ample water is given during hot weather. There are fireglows I saw in a garden centre that displayed healthy red leaves without any signs of discolouration and scorching.
'Fireglow' is a good one, doesn't get as large as some of the others you mentioned. Seems fine in full sun here.
Some red palmatums can do fine in full sun. Shojo is one, but not an upright form. "White Tigress" is possibly a hybrid, can't lay my finger on the other parent just now. Alex, if I smuggle back a Joe Witt, I will bring you one too! -E
I have read that Sango can be planted in full sun and then other sources said it shouldn't be. Anybody know of this one's capability to withstand sun?
Karalyn, I have 2 sango kakus growing in full sun, but full sun in Normandie is not equivilent to full sun in Boise. The s.k.'s resist pretty well, but both have problems that may effect the long term (verticillium, pseudomonas). However I have Eddisbury which is very happy indeed in full sun, I'd recommend that over the more delicate s.k. for the situation. -E
i have sangokaku,in full sun ,in similar conditions the maple resist but important is to water never in afteroon yes in "first" mornig and covered around the trunk . Is important good dreinage ,the type of soil es.If you soil is rich of sand no problem ;exp. is important but for maple "water"have more importance ;in Rome one acer palmatum subsp.palmatum live in full sun over 30 years in good ealth because the soil is rich of san and water..
Thank you Alex and Emery. Some of the maples you mentioned I haven't about yet. Eddisbury is one of them. I think I might have read about White Tigress, not sure though.
In my experience white tigress will not take much direct sun, also winter sun can be trouble. Matsugae and Okushimo do well for me in full sun.
I have three JM Sango Kaku in full sun (zone 8-9), and two Seryu. Even considering that this summer was “mild” here due lot of rain, some cloudy days, and temperatures of 90-100 deg F, and it’s their first season with me, they're doing very well. However, all of them dropped their leaves during July and first days of August due sunburn; but now, they’re covered with new leaves…just on time for fall change color. I kept watering them all summer days. I think they will adapt better for the next seasons.
Do you still have the Sango Kaku and Seiyru? Did they get adopted to full sun? I'm considering adding these to the southern side of the house.
Good evening and welcome to the maples forum. I don't think you will get a reply to your question, as the posting from @nelran was posted nearly 15 years ago. For what it's worth my Sango kaku and Seiryu both do well in full sun here in Southern England. Probably not any use for you but ......... D
I have 3 maples growing in full sun in Zone 10b. Zero shade out in the open lawn. ~ Bloodgood ~ Shantung Firedragon ~ Acer oliverianum ssp formosanum (only one that gave me somewhat of a fall color so far). The oliverianum had a diameter of a pencil when planted. It survived animals biting it's trunk, and winds up to 75mph. It was bending almost 45degrees or more back and forth in the wind. Very durable tree. Trunk diameter is now 1.5" after 2 seasons.
can't go wrong with a seiryu, thrives in sun or shade. The sangu kaku does fine as well in full sun. When planted in the garden, rather then container grown, both will produce excessive young shoots as they age so staying on top and pruning regularly is a must. Another very nice cultivator that stays similar in size to the above mentioned trees and equally as hardy is the "atrolineare". A variegated leaf and a very tropical look and feel to the tree, one of our favorites with two in our garden
From what I hear, Sango Kaku and Seiryu can handle full sun... (zone 8b). Same holds for Bloodgood, Fireflow, Atropupureum, the normal acer palmatum, etc...
Sango and Seiryu both in full sun , summer and fall pics no leaf scorch on either through out the seasons Plant them then forget about them !!! they will be fine.
Seiryu is such a gorgeous tree... there are a few in my neighbor I walk by and always admire their beauty and size. Sango Kaku is a great one too and lots are around Eugene, some prettier than others... but Seiryu is in a different league imo, always amazing.
Large 2 gallon is a Japanese Princess, only $80… the smaller size was $70… I should have bought 2x 2 gallons… hahaha. The smallest is the Mystic Mikawa and the mid sizes are the Mayday and Japanese Princess. They had about 10 of each cultivar and I picked my favorites from each!!! So happy!!!