I had to have my sidewalk tore up..Meanwhile I think they may have disturbed a main root..Looks like my tree is dying..This tree means alot to me,planted it 17 years ago in memory of a son that was stillborn..Anything I can do??
Can you tell me something me more than that?Why do you think that is dying?Did you had drought problems?And finalyy send some pictures;One advice maybe..if the root is injured it is best to cut back the root to where it is still healthy.I had to do this myself with my acer pseudoplatanus.I have to admit i did this at the end of winter,beginning of spring.And niw that big thing is very healthy once more.If you are uncertain you can ask advice to (cant remember the english term) tree doktor? Greetings from Belgium (where it is finally raining!!) Paddy
Yes, please post some photographs, including a close-up, if you can, and let us know when the work on the sidewalk was done, how far away the tree is, and how much later these symptoms showed up.