I have a small Japanese Maple on my patio planted in a container (3'x3'). It has been doing great with nice green leaves and new leaves appearing (reddish color). Then one day I noticed all the leaves have brown edges all around the entire leave. The tree has an east exposure with early morning sun till about 1 p.m. Any ideas on what could have cause this in an "over night" time frame? And what is the cure, if any? Thanks!
Fertilization, overwatering, inadequate aeration and drainage of potting medium, leaf burn from the sun ... there are also diseases - look up recent entries here on this forum, and compare to what you are doing right now: you will see other people have similar problems. Post a picture of your leaves. Which maple is it? a particular cultivar (some are more sensitive than other) ? If it's cultural conditions the cure should be easier, but if it's one of the diseases that also affect maples, it can get tougher. But right now, in the summer, I'd first suspect some of the typical fert/water/potting medium missteps that we can all be guilty of... Let us know. Good luck.
Sounds like it could be a lot of different things. My "gut" feeling is it is the sun. Although I have it on the east side of house, which I thought would be okay but the leaves all turned brown on all around edges right after we had a couple of real hot days in the 90's. I have moved it to a shaded spot on the patio but guess I am stuck with the brown leaves. Will try and get picture. Thanks for your input. Will the leaves get green again or am I stuck for the season with brown edges??
I think most of use in the warmer areas are having the same issue with leaf edges burning. On mine I moved it back under the eaves, and slowly started to cut off half way down the stem and I now have new growth starting to fill in. If you can mist your plants when there is no sun on then the extra humidity will help.
Thank you! I have moved the tree to under eave and in an alcov that gets bright light from the east but not much direct sun. Will try cutting back stems and see what happens. You input is appreciated. Thank you.