I have a beautifull japanese maple that was planted 2 years ago it is probably 6 to 7 foot tall and that much wide. I noticed that at the base of the tree some of the bark is missing, it does not seem that an animal has chewed or anything, the bark seemed like it peeled off. 1- Should I put anything on it to "seal it". 2- Should I trim the botom branches. The tree is healty as a horse and magnificent. Thank you. Johanne
Hi Joanne, In the wild trees some times lose part of their bark on the trunk or branches for whatever reason exposing the layer beneath. Sometimes bonsaists will strip the bark from a potted tree to emulate natural damage. My father did this to a few of his bonsai with no adverse effects. Be sure not to water on or near the exposed area for a while and let it dry out naturally. If it wasn't caused by disease your tree should be fine. Hope this helps, Layne
I am writing to you, I hope you can advise me with a problem I'm having with one of my Bloodgood Japanese Maples.The tree is app. 6 yrs. old. I planted it 3 summers ago. I live on the south shore of Long Island. I know the tree is a specimen tree, and should be carefully cared for. Which I do. It is in the middle of my lawn, complete southern exposure.. It does not have any larger shade trees over it. I truly take care of it- water 2-3 x a week, I used fertilizer spikes in the spring, mulch around the base, and tell it how much I love it, which I do. It's now app. 11 feet tall, app. 8 feet wide, and app. 8 inches wide at the base. It's been really hot here, I water from the bottom, but when it gets over 85*, I shower it in the evenings to cool it off. I was examining it the other day and much to my horror(I'm not kidding) I found a split in the bark at the base of the tree. The trunk is not split, but the bark has split and looks like it wants to peel off. The rest of the tree seems OK, it has grown well this year and the leaves seem healthy. It seems a happy camper. I went to my local nursery, NOT the Home depot, and the guy told me to put some tree tar on it. I truly love my tree and do notwant to harm it, and I am hoping someone out there who knows what they're talking about can help me. THANK YOU, SAM