My jade tree, Myrtle, has a leaf dropping problem. Here are the basic parameters of its existence: -It sits in an east-facing doorwall. This is the spot in my home where it can receive the most light. Unfortunately, this spot only gets a couple hours of direct sunlight per day, as a building juts out south of my door, leaving a small window of time where direct light will actually be showered upon it. -I may have watered it too frequently early on during out cohabitation - probably about once every week to ten days during the high summer months. However, for the past 4 months, I have not watered it more than once every 3 weeks or so. Is this still too much, perhaps? At this time, the soil is more or less bone dry. -The leaves that fall are both shriveled and healthy in appearance. Actually, if I bump the plant, it is not uncommon for a decent looking leaf or two to fall. As you can see in the pictures, some parts of the plant are almost devoid of leaves. -The plant was purchased from a smaller dealer, so I believe that the soil mix is correct for this type of plant. It seems like a C/S mix. Well, what do you think? Insufficient light? Root rot? Something else entirely?
You really ought to know it's scientific name rather than it's common name, because although sometimes that plant is called Jade, it is not the true Jade, Crassula ovata. What you've got there is Portulcaria afra. I've always found that this is a sensitive plant. It does not like a lot of attention or it'll drop it's leaves a lot. That's just what my experience has been though. Hopefully you can now look up Portulcaria afra, instead of Jade(Crassula ovata), and compare your growing conditions to what you can find online. The basics you'll find online should be able to help you enough. Hope this helps.