I have a 6 1/2 year old jade plant. I got it from my moms plant and it was one inch tall when I pulled it out of the dirt. It is now 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide and weighs over 90 pounds. It has bloomed every year for the last 4 and is very healthy. I sit it outside in the summer and bring it in around November or when the temperatures begin to drop into the low 30s. I have a dilemma in that I have transplanted it too many times and I need to downsize it as it is getting too large to manage effectively. Has anyone ever downsized a jade? How do I go about doing so? I assume I will have to prune back the top and maybe even the roots too. If anyone has any suggestions as how to proceed I would be grateful! If it is not possible then I will just have to enjoy my jade as is. Thanks!
Thanks for the suggestion but I could never give it up. It was started the same time my youngest daughter was born so not only do I enjoy growing it but it has sentimental value as well.