Please help! My beloved indoor Jade plant is about 2 feet tall, and around 7 years old. Last night when I watered it, it was happy and healthy and looking beautiful. This evening, when I got home and saw it, it is now wilting over so far, I would fear it tipping right to the floor if it wasn't in such a heavy pot! I water it once every 1-2 weeks, and it gets direct sunlight all morning, in an eastern facing window. The same window it's been in for the past 5 years. It has proper drainage as well. I don't know what has happened?! It was a very hot and humid day here today... but this isn't it's first go around in this type of weather. Could it possibly just need to be replanted in a deeper pot? I seem to have a blind green thumb. I don't know very much about plants, but mine always seem to be happy and healthy. I adore my Jade and I am devastated to see him like this! Please help =(
Possible root rot? It feels hard to me... maybe just the very smallest bit squishy. I cut a decent size stem off to check, but it was healthy and green on this inside...
When you watered it, did it take up the water, or did the water run right through it? You might have to lift it out of the pot and figure out if it still has roots or have they been eaten by something (or rotted off). Or, on the other hand, is there very little soil and is it all roots (so you can answer the "does it need repotting" question). While it's wilting but still living, I would keep it out of direct sun. And take a cutting from a healthy-looking part.