Hi there: Just wondering if anyone can help me get my jade plant to bloom? I live in Victoria BC, and have a fairly mature jade plant. It's in the kitchen between a south and west-facing window. One of the larger leafed ones, that does not have a red edge (apparently that is significant?). I summer it outside in dappled sun/shade, and bring it indoors after the nights start to get really cool (late Sept). I water approx. every 4 to 6 weeks in winter rather lightly. Any thoughts on this and how to get it to bloom?
You've done everything text book perfect. The only thing I do different, is to move it into full on hot sun once a period of adjustment (dappled sunlight) has occured. You can wait even longer to bring it back in, mid October is fine. It will could take several years of this repetitive cycle to trigger blooms. Good luck.
Thanks for your reply. I will try that this summer. It is such a beauty as it is, that I feel a bit ungrateful expecting blooms, but it's a nice challenge.