I have a young trailing jade in a 6" pot that I've had for almost a year. It used to hang in a south facing window and in June of this year I hung it outside under an overhang facing north, and forgot about it. Just today I checked on the plant, the leaves were purple from the sun, the soil was BONE dry, and it's flowering!!! Maybe the trick is to hang it outside and ignore it in the summer. Worked for me!
Welcome to the forums, Trilby. I've heard it said that sometimes when plants are under stress, they put out flowers to get the next generation going while they can. That might be folk wisdom, but I think there's a certain element of truth to it.
They are such a treat I just leave them be as long as they want to hang on, which if I recall is a good month at least; maybe more. When they are ready they just start dropping off on their own.
Oooo...I would love to see my jade blossom. Is there something special that I need to do to assist with this?