Jacaranda mimosifolia - white deposits on branches Hello, I have a young Jacaranda tree, about a foot high, which I keep indoors as a houseplant. Some of the branches have a series of spaced white, sort of irregular crystalline, deposits or growths along their top side. A small number of these deposits seem to be changing to brown. The plant itself appears perfectly healthy and the deposits are only really visible on fairly close inspection. I haven't been able to find this condition described on the web or the few houseplant books I have. Please can anyone advise me whether what I've observed is is a disease or a pest or something else I ought to be concerned about? Many thanks, Matthew
It could be a couple things but it's hard to know for sure without actually seeing it. Is it possible you can post a clear close-up of the white stuff?
Thank you, yes I should be able to post a clear close-up soon (am expecting a new camera tomorrow, fortunately).
Re: Jacaranda mimosifolia - white deposits on branches Hello - I have taken some photos which when zoomed in on are pretty good close-ups (I hope) of the deposits on the branches of my jacaranda. Many thanks, Matthew
It's a little hard to make out the details of the white things, but they are either a natural part of the plant, possibly mealys??? (if they move) or even some kind of pest eggs. If they wipe off easily, that might might all you have to do.You can also touch each one using a Q-Tip dipped in alcohol that should kill them if they are indeed a pest. Your tree looks very healthy though, but I might still try and take off the white if you think it's something other than natural.