I bought this ivy in November and put it in with my Dracaena. It is growing nicely and once it gets more leaves I want to start more of them to put in 2 other places at the base of Drac. It looks familiar to me but I'm not sure what it is called.
Thanks for all the replies esp. from you, mrsubjunctive. I checked out that link and it is super. Thankyou. When new growth starts again, I will check the link for the fact about the new leaf being folded and about the reddish color on new leaves. See how it goes.
I don't think it is an ivy... Looks more of Devil's ivy or Scindapsus aureus to me. Does it have roots in its stem?
That's the same plant that has already been put forward. It is common and familiar both as a house plant and as an outdoor tropical.
Peperomia & Ron B: Thankyou for your responses. I don't see anything on the stems but I will post new pics once it starts to grow new leaves or if anything starts on the stems.
It grows fast Barbara. If you want another try to propagate them through cuttings. Just place stems in a glass of water and wait for it to root. Or you can simply grow it in plain water alone together with dracaena and aglanoema.
Well, mrsubjunctive, was totally correct. That link I got from him was awesome and it helped me agree with Pothos. It has new leaves starting and they are folded up and unfurling as they open farther. Also, that link gave me many other ways to tell the difference between pothos and philos. Here is a pic with one of the new leaves. Thanks again, mrsubjunctive!!