Small coppiced tree in my local park with tri-lobed leaves, but the back is not silvery. I can get more pictures if required or higher quality. Help with ID very welcome. Thank you.
I'm not going to be the one to ID this, but sure, how about replying with a photo of the tree, the bark and the samaras if you can find any. Acer rubrum do not have tri-lobed leaves. I don't know Acer opalus, but I read that young twigs are supposed to be hairy. You could look for a photo that supports that.
Two very knowledgeable people have said it's Acer rubrum, so there is no need for more photos now unless you just want to have it saved here.
Brilliant, thanks very much Wendy, I had initially thought that it was Acer rubrum, but my book said that the back of the leaves should be white so started to have doubts. Thanks again. Stephen
Yep - glaucous blue-green is correct for Acer rubrum; your book is wrong if it says (or even hints!) white, like snow is white.