Identification: Is this Veitchia merrillii?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by wcutler, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Any chance I got a palm ID right? I tried a key at Keys | Identifying Commonly Cultivated Palms and ended up with Carpentaria acuminata, but it said that could be confused with Veitchia merrillii, which I decided fit this better. Here are trees in two locations in Honolulu. I think they're the same kind of palm. The descriptors I ticked were pinnate leaves, yellow midrib, no pleating, leaves variable along rachis, in a single plane. That took me down to a single hit, so I didn't click anything else.

    1st tree:
    Veitchia-merrillii_3422JamesUpper-Honolulu_Cutler_20151205_095530.jpg Veitchia-merrillii_3422JamesUpper-Honolulu_Cutler_20151205_095552.jpg Veitchia-merrillii_3422JamesUpper-Honolulu_Cutler_20151205_095619.jpg Veitchia-merrillii_3422JamesUpper-Honolulu_Cutler_20151205_095628.jpg

    Trees at my building in Waikiki:
    Veitchia-merrillii_2345AlaWaiBlvd-Waikiki_Cutler_20151205_154117.jpg Veitchia-merrillii_2345AlaWaiBlvd-Waikiki_Cutler_20151205_154132.jpg Veitchia-merrillii_2345AlaWaiBlvd-Waikiki_Cutler_20151205_154147.jpg Veitchia-merrillii_2345AlaWaiBlvd-Waikiki_Cutler_20151205_154154.jpg Veitchia-merrillii_2345AlaWaiBlvd-Waikiki_Cutler_20151205_154225.jpg
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Well, I have labels at two other locations for Veitchia merrillii:
    University of Hawaii at Manoa:
    Veitchia-merrillii_UofHManoa_Cutler_20151210_151751.jpg VeitchiaMerrillii_UofHManoa_Cutler_20151210_151629.jpg

    Honolulu Zoo:
    Veitchia-merrillii_HonoluluZoo_Cutler_20151211_163846.jpg Veitchia-merrillii_HonoluluZoo_Cutler_20151211_163914.jpg

    All that's missing is my ability to be sure I know when I'm looking at the same kind of tree, but I think these are the same as the ones I posted. Carpentaria looks like a thinner taller tree, with wider spacing of the bars along the trunk.

    Only problem is, just when I learn the name, it seems it's been changed to Adonidia merrillii, according to this page: Adonidia merrillii - Palmpedia - Palm Grower's Guide

    Here is another photo of a tree at my building in Waikiki, with a couple of ripe red fruits.
    Veitchia-merrillii_2345AlaWaiBlvd-Waikiki_Cutler_20151211_151056.jpg Veitchia-merrillii_2345AlaWaiBlvd-Waikiki_Cutler_20151211_151108.jpg

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