My lemon tree is beginning to die and I believe this white substance on its limbs and trunk are the reason. I have read about the dreaded mealy bug in this forum but the white substance isn't sticky and there is no real fuzz just this tiny white oblong substance. Can somebody help confirm or give an alternative explaination as to what is killing my lemon tree. Thank in advance for your help!! Below are the pictures of what I am talking about.
It does not look like mealy bug, nor does it look like scale. Perhaps Mr. Shep or Junglekeeper has see this before. Millet Anton von Leeuwenhoek Father of Polyembryony 1917
The pest could also well be Cottony Cushion Scale, (Icerya purchasi). You can type Cottony Cushion Scale into your search engine and read all about the insect and its control. Millet Joe Sakic No. 19 Colorado Avalanche Born:Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada