Does anyone know what kind of plant this is? I don't know how I should water it, how much sunlight it needs, or even if it is in fact an indoor plant. I included 3 attachments with different angles. The label said "bird of paradise," but there are two types and this one isn't flowering so I can't tell. I am not even sure if it is a "bird of paradise."
Hard to tell from the pictures but if it is it's most likely NOT the white (which are much larger and the leaf will unfurl like and reminder you of a banana....they will also get up to 20ft in height). My understanding it that it is difficult to get bird of paradise to flower. I've also been told they like a kelp additive, but that never helped my white which has never flowered in the 3 years I've had it (at this time it is over 8ft tall)
As these grow in full sun in hot climates lack of bloom from indoor specimens is presumably due to low light levels. Flowering house plants in general need a lot more light than foliage house plants will accept.