I've been trying to identify this pot plant: My mother has had them for about 30 years or so, and she just calls them "the japanese plants", but I'm not sure they really are japanese. I'd like to find out what this plant is really called. Some people have suggested it might be a spathiphyllum, but all the images of different species of spathiphyllum that I've been able to find online depicted plants with leaves attached to soft, thin stems, growing directly from the soil. But "my" plants have these beautiful curvy, and very sturdy thick stems that branch out in all directions and then the leaves grow from them. It blooms, but very rarely, I think less than once a year. When it blooms the flower looks similar to that of the spathiphyllum, but not white, rather light-greenish in colour. I've googled the entire Araceae family, and of all the images I've seen only this one looked like the plant I'm looking for: The author claims it to be a "Rhaphidophora Pertusis", however, when I google that I get images of very different plants... so now I'm totally clueless.... hoping that maybe some great botanist mind will please my whim to identify this beautiful pot plant. :)
Aglaonema modestum, or Chinese evergreen http://www.plantoftheweek.org/week288.shtml Welcome to the forum.