Hi I have this vine growing up the side of my house and I was wondering if it was poison oak or poison anything for that matter. THe first picture although a very bad angle shows how it is growing on my wall. The second photo shows the reddish veins of the newly grown leaves, while the older leaves are greener. The last photo shows where the plants starts and the "leaves of three"; oddly enough the newer stuff seems to me to have only two (see pic 2). Also one of my green bean plants is planted directly under it so if it is poison something or other will my beans be affected?
Parthenocissus tricuspidata I believe, definitely not poison oak. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/612/
Nice! What a relief because I actually like this plant and how it grows up my wall. I asked this question because while i was picking my veggies a few weeks ago, I developed a small poison ivy-like rash on my arm and I was sure that vine was the culprit. Apparently this and virginia creeper can cause skin irritation in certain individuals who handle it. Guess i'll just have to be more careful around it. Thanks for the info you've been a great help!