Hi all. My first post. I recently bought a house with a great mature garden. I'm in the process of identifying the plants. One particular plant has sprung up in a variety of spots, disregarding the organization of the previous owner. There's been no bloom, and left alone, the plants have shot up a couple of feet in just a month. I've been told they may be phlox, my gut tells me it's a weed though. I'll try to post a cople of pics. Any input greatly appreciated. I have many more questions, but I'll start with just this one as I'd like to pull it all out if it's invasive. Thanks in advance, Hobbs.
last week, i posted pics of the same plant and some others here. your pics are better, though (was getting dark when i took mine). it flowered last year...small white flowers on a taller spike. hasn't flowered yet this year...too early for it yet. i think it's from seeds i planted in the general area...not sure (i can't find the notes on what i planted where). i do have a couple more plants in another spot this year though - so, even if it is something that i wanted, it is something that readily self-seeds...
Thanks Joclyn, Yep, looks like what you have as well. The easy self seeding would explain why it's popping up all over the place. I'm a beginner, don't really know a rhododendron from an azalea. I guess I'll leave it be where it's growing in bushes and pull the orphans as they pop up. Any more insight into this plant would be appreciated. Cheers, Hobbs.
rofl!! rhododendron and azalea are in the same family...so, they're kind of one and the same :) i learned that neat little fact right here at ubc... anyhoo, about this plant...i'm planning on going through things this weekend to find my notes on the seeds i'd planted last year. i don't really think it's a 'weed' per se... i'll know for sure when i find that piece of paper! and i'll post and let you know... oh, forgot earlier...it's definitely not phlox...the flowers aren't right for it even if the leaves kind of are. i DO have a pic of the flower from last year - that was before i got the d-slr and i haven't gotten the film developed yet, though. i need to do that!
Not phlox. Probably something in Asteraceae. Also looks like there is one kind of plant in the left frame and another in the other two.