Hi everyone, It's lovely to have found such an interesting new place to hang out, I'm sure you'll all be seeing a fair bit of me in time :) I was walking my dog earlier, and found my local park had sprung forth mushrooms seemingly overnight. I know nothing about mushroom identification really, and wouldn't know how to tell the difference between one or another. But my dog ate quite a few of them, and I'm wondering if I ought to be concerned. Can anyone please tell me if these are going to do her any harm? And if so, is she likely to need to visit a vet? She seems alright, she's been asleep since we got home, but reassurance or advice would be welcome. I took a picture of them, which you can see here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v619/corpusdraconis/mushrooms.jpg Many thanks for any help. Arcady
First call a vet. If it hasn't been digested, they can give hydrogen peroxide to make your dog vomit.
They look similar to Fairy Ring mushrooms, but without seeing them in their natural habitat I wouldn't say anything definite. Did you get a spore print? Absolutely, induce vomiting and get thee to the vet. It may not be toxic, but it's better not to take chances.
I 've just done one now (I didn't know how until a moment ago!) and they show up very dark, almost blackish. They were growing in the middle of a football pitch, absolutely loads of them. I took my dog downstairs, where she ate some grass and vomited. She seems perfectly fine, and the vet's helpline suggests keeping an eye on her for the next few hours and bringing her in if she shows signs of distress, which I shall do. This is actually quite worrying though, I'd never given any thought to mushroom poisoning in dogs before, but thinking about it, it's probably more common than you'd first imagine. Thanks very much to the people that replied :)
Your dog might have eaten brown dunce caps (conocybe tenera), which can be deadly poisinous to humans. More likely is that your dog ate deceivers (laccaria laccata) which is, in the field guide that I'm reading, "not recommended" and can be poisinous to people depending on the person.