I haven't watered it in a while though it wasn't dry and till recently i didn't know he doesn't like lite on the roots or to much generally There are some yellowish spots on the leafs as you can see but they seem minor problems...the roots worry me...is that a good color or i should cut them off? Ooh and i didn't feed it...only watter...have it for 5months or so
Its actually a Dracaena NOT a bamboo. Roots look alright but I would put the plant in soil, as in nature. Lots of info on hear about them, just do a search on Lucky Bamboo... Ed
the roots look fine. if they ever turn brown, i'd trim the dead parts off. keep the container filled with water (and completely change it every once in a while) and your plant will be fine.
If you decide to put your dracaena in soil, keep it a little on the moist side. I have two "lucky Bamboos" plants that used to be water, now growing in a pot with Syngoniums which also like moist soil.
Its not a bamboo, its Dracaena braunii (the name Dracaena sanderiana was given to the variegated cultivar of the species but it is not the correct name for the species.) Pot it up in soil and it will take off. It is one of the weediest species of Dracaena.
yeah i'm actually thinking of moving it...hmm...so how often do you suggest i water it after planting and should i use a small pot, something like the one she's in right now?
Water when the top inch or so starts to dry. You'll want to ck it within a week or every week to see if it needs a drink. If you have an inch or so all the way around the roots, it should be ok.