I am sorry, probably have to start a new thread. I have another pictures of lonicera, I feel sure about lonicera, but I didn't see berries like these in Vancouver, it is again from Japan. It doesn't mean, this lonicera is native to Japan, but I think it is quite rare here
Please always give the location in the first post, together with the pic! Yes, Lonicera maackii is native in Japan: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200022336
And now I am confused. It can be Lonicera pileata. They both have this color berries. How to distinguish these two sp. Lonicera pileata and Lonicera nitida? Flowers look the same to me, leaves the same.
Can you tell me how they different? When I google I have feeling that I have the same images for both searches
Sometimes in Britain we get different pics from other countries. These accurate links will help to show you the difference. http://apps.rhs.org.uk/plantselector/plant?plantid=1193 This link compares the 2 side by side. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/loni4.htm More info... leaf size etc. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/loni.htm http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/lopi.htm
Thank you very much. Very good and descriptive, much easier and friendlier than Flora in China:) which I am sure very scientific and impossible to understand for common people. Lonicera: after Adam Lonitzer (1528-86), German naturalist and herbalist. This info from links I would remember! In 16 century some people already were interested in plants and we use their information too!