This bug appeared in my garden on 18 July 2008. It is felatively easy to catch, and appears on many different plants. I see it often enough to have some concern. Is this bug a female firefly? 19 July 2008 Is this a female firefly?
I also have a lot of these, mating on my flowering dill and parsley. I looked it up and it looks like an adult of wireworm. Do you think it is possible? They look similar, and I have a lot of wireworms. I read that most wireworm species require 2 to 3 years to complete development. I didn't have any bugs like these in the past 2 years but this year I have a lot, so I was thinking that laravae matured. Any thoughts?
Most interesting. I will pursue the information. I only found one or two this morning on my walk through the garden, and I don't for a moment believe I have destroyed all. 21 July 2008 Red Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva) Soldier beetles are similar to ladybugs in their feeding habit and are beneficials. They'll chow down on aphids and other insects' eggs. As far as I know, they don't hurt the flowers and can be good pollinators for selective plant species. This information is subject to a correction if not exactly true-anybody? Information about this beneficial beetle.